
burn [bɜ:n]  [bɜ:rn] 

第三人称单数:burns第三人称复数:burns现在分词:burning过去分词:burnt; burned过去式:burnt; burned

burn 基本解释


及物/不及物动词& link-动词(使)燃烧

及物/不及物动词烧伤; 烧毁; 烧坏; 使用某物为燃料


burn 相关词组

1. burn itself out : 精疲力竭;

2. burn oneself out : 烧尽;

3. burn up : 烧起来;

4. burn in : 留下不可磨灭的印象;

burn 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The whole city was burned to the ground.

2. He burned his tongue with red pepper.


1. The murderer was sentenced to burn.

2. We were burning with anger.

3. burn什么意思

3. The factory burned to the ground.

burn 网络解释

1. 烧伤:亦称烫伤.机体直接接触高温物体或受到强的热辐射所发生的变化.烧伤(burn):由火焰.高温固体和强辐射热引起的损伤称之为烧伤.烧伤是由高温.化学物质或电引起的组织损伤.烧伤的程度由温度的高低.作用时间的长短而不同.局部的变

2. 烧:波兰游戏开发商Destan Entertainment近日公布了正在开发的新形态FPS游戏<燃烧>>(Burn)的最新游戏画面. 本作是以多人对为主,玩家也可以与bots进行单人游戏.

3. 折磨:[s:2][s:2]我的 IPC都扔在一边了,听惯了S615再听 IPC 那是一种折磨(burn)[s:2][s:2]我的 IPC都扔在一边了,听惯了S615再听 IPC 那是一种折磨(burn)[s:2][s:2]我的 IPC都扔在一边了,听惯了S615再听 IPC 那是一种折磨(burn)

burn 词典解释

The past tense and past participle is burned in American English, and burned or burnt in British English. burn的过去式和过去分词在美国英语中为burned,在英国英语中为burned或burnt。

1. 着火;燃烧
    If there is a fire or a flame somewhere, you say that there is a fire or flame burning there.


    e.g. Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city...
    e.g. There was a fire burning in the large fireplace...

2. 着火;烧着
    If something is burning, it is on fire.

    e.g. When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.
    e.g. The building housed 1,500 refugees and it burned for hours...

When we arrived in our village there was a terrible smell of burning.

3. 烧掉;烧毁
    If you burn something, you destroy or damage it with fire.

    e.g. Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building...
    e.g. Incineration plants should be built to burn household waste...

The French government has criticized the burning of a US flag outside the American Embassy.

4. 点燃;燃烧
    If you burn a fuel or if it burns, it is used to produce heat, light, or energy.


    e.g. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region...
    e.g. Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol.

5. 烧焦;烤煳
    If you burn something that you are cooking or if it burns, you spoil it by using too much heat or cooking it for too long.

    e.g. I burnt the toast...
    e.g. Watch them carefully as they finish cooking because they can burn easily.

...the smell of burnt toast.

6. 烧伤;灼伤
    If you burn part of your body, burn yourself, or are burnt, you are injured by fire or by something very hot.


    e.g. Take care not to burn your fingers...
    e.g. If you are badly burnt, seek medical attention.

7. 烧死
      If someone is burnt or burnt to death, they are killed by fire.


      e.g. Women were burned as witches in the middle ages...
      e.g. At least 80 people were burnt to death when their bus caught fire.

8. 发光;照亮
      If a light is burning, it is shining.

      e.g. The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window.

9. (因尴尬或心烦而)脸红
      If your face is burning, it is red because you are embarrassed or upset.


      e.g. Liz''s face was burning.

10. 有强烈的情感;极度渴望
      If you are burning with an emotion or are burning to do something, you feel that emotion or the desire to do that thing very strongly.


      e.g. The young boy was burning with a fierce ambition...
      e.g. Dan burned to know what the reason could be.

11. 晒伤;晒黑
      If you burn or get burned in the sun, the sun makes your skin become red and sore.

      e.g. Build up your tan slowly and don''t allow your skin to burn...
      e.g. Summer sun can burn fair skin in minutes.

12. (使)火辣辣地痛;(使)发烫
      If a part of your body burns or if something burns it, it has a painful, hot or stinging feeling.


      e.g. My eyes burn from staring at the needle...
      e.g. His face was burning with cold.

13. 遭受损失;亏损
      If you are burned or get burned, you lose something as a result of taking a risk, usually in a business deal.

      e.g. They always took chances and got burned very badly in past years.

14. 刻录(光盘)
      To burn a CD-ROM means to write or copy data onto it.

      e.g. You can use this software to burn custom compilations of your favorite tunes.

15. see also: burning

16. to burn the candle at both ends -> see candle
      to get your fingers burned -> see finger
      to burn something to the ground -> see ground
      to burn the midnight oil -> see midnight
      to have money to burn -> see money

相关词组:burn downburn offburn outburn up

burn 英英释义


1. damage inflicted by fire

2. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person''s body)

    Synonym: burn mark

3. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation

4. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun

    Synonym: tansuntansunburn

5. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire

    Synonym: burning


1. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun

    Synonym: sunburn

2. burn with heat, fire, or radiation

    e.g. The iron burnt a hole in my dress

3. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent

    e.g. The surgeon cauterized the wart

    Synonym: cauterizecauterise

4. undergo combustion

    e.g. Maple wood burns well

    Synonym: combust

5. cause to undergo combustion

    e.g. burn garbage
           The car burns only Diesel oil

    Synonym: incinerate

6. destroy by fire

    e.g. They burned the house and his diaries

    Synonym: fireburn down

7. use up (energy)

    e.g. burn off calories through vigorous exercise

    Synonym: burn offburn up

8. create by duplicating data

    e.g. cut a disk
           burn a CD

    Synonym: cut

9. feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion

    e.g. She was burning with anger
           He was burning to try out his new skies

10. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort

    e.g. The sun burned his face

    Synonym: bitesting

11. feel hot or painful

      e.g. My eyes are burning

12. spend (significant amounts of money)

      e.g. He has money to burn

13. burn at the stake

      e.g. Witches were burned in Salem

14. cause to burn or combust

      e.g. The sun burned off the fog
             We combust coal and other fossil fuels

      Synonym: combust

15. shine intensely, as if with heat

      e.g. The coals were glowing in the dark
             The candles were burning

      Synonym: glow

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