
bunker [ˈbʌŋkə(r)]  [ˈbʌŋkɚ] 


bunker 基本解释

名词沙坑; 地堡; 燃料库

动词把(煤等)堆入舱内; 使陷入困境; 把球击入沙坑

bunker 网络解释

1. 沙坑:这些设计有:沙坑(Bunker). 一块除去草皮或泥土而铺上细沙的凹陷地区称之为沙坑,形状、大小、深浅不一,普遍分布在球道上及果岭四周,是许多球场设计家表现他设计风格的重点之一. 5、果岭(Green)系指当前正在使用之球洞而专为推杆而设之全部区域,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 地堡:新型合金钢(Neosteel)是Terran使用的一种非常经久耐用的金属,战列巡洋舰(Battlecruiser)的部分装甲就是用这种金属制造的. 它还用于CMC装甲,地堡(Bunker),雷神(Thor),混凝土中的钢筋,和安全门的制作等.

3. 碉堡:铁丝网、沙包、医院、雷达站、总部、修车厂(garage)的作用,相信玩家们从名称上就可以明白其用途,这里笔者就不再一一解释,而重要的是以下的设施:三、了望塔、枪堡(MG hideout)、防御塔、碉堡(bunker)这四种防御型设施,建好后将士兵驻扎进去,

bunker 词典解释

1. (通常建于地下的)掩体;地堡
    A bunker is a place, usually underground, that has been built with strong walls to protect it against heavy gunfire and bombing.


    e.g. ...an extensive network of fortified underground bunkers.

2. 煤箱;燃料箱
    A bunker is a container for coal or other fuel.

3. (高尔夫球场上的)沙坑
    On a golf course, a bunker is a large area filled with sand, which is deliberately put there as an obstacle that golfers must try to avoid.

4. (高尔夫球运动中)把球击入沙坑
    In golf, if you bunker a shot, you hit your ball into the bunker.

    e.g. She bunkered her second shot.

bunker 英英释义


1. a hazard on a golf course

    Synonym: sand traptrap

2. a fortification of earth
    mostly or entirely below ground

    Synonym: dugout

3. a large container for storing fuel

    e.g. the ship''s bunkers were full of coal


1. hit a golf ball into a bunker

2. transfer cargo from a ship to a warehouse

3. fill (a ship''s bunker) with coal or oil

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