
Browning是什么意思 Browning在线翻译 Browning什么意思 Browning的意思 Browning的翻译 Browning的解释 Browning的发音 Browning的同义词

Browning [ˈbrauniŋ]  [ˈbraʊnɪŋ] 


Browning 基本解释

名词英国诗人罗伯特(Robert,1812-1889)英国女诗人伊丽莎白(Elizabeth Barrett 1806-1861)伯朗宁自动手枪(发明人为美国人John Moses 1855-1926)

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Browning 网络解释

1. 布朗宁(姓氏):Brown 布朗(姓氏) | Browning 布朗宁(姓氏) | Bush 布什(姓氏)

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 勃朗宁; 布朗宁:Browne 布朗 | Browning 勃朗宁; 布朗宁 | Bruce 布鲁斯

3. danci.edu.pub

3. 褐变:霉变 mould | 褐变 browning | 食物安全毒理学评价 toxicological evaluation for food safety

Browning 双语例句

1. He talked of the reddening apples around, of the browning nuts, of jams and preserves and the distilling of cordials; till by easy stages such as these he reached midwinter, its hearty joys and its snug Home life, and then he became simply lyrical.

2. It takes time for heat to move inward from the surface to the center, so the default method is to fry or grill or broil and hope that the browning time equals the heat-through time.

3. By comparing Michaelis parameters, it is found that the highest browning apple is Fuji, and the lowest is Granny Smith.

4. Results show that treating the pear juice with FPC-21 resin can reduced pH value, formol index and browning index. Reduction of pH value enhence the decolor ability of XAD-16 resin on pear juice. Reduction of pH value and formol index can control the browning rate of PJC during storage.
    结果显示,阳离子树脂处理可降低酥梨汁的pH值、氨基态氮和褐变指数;降低pH值可提高吸附树脂对酥梨汁的脱色能力;降低pH值、氨基态氮可控制70 °Brix浓缩酥梨汁贮存中褐变速度。

5. Result] The new buds and petals of I. germanica was proper to be used as explant of tissue culture, with lower browning rate compared with other positions. The well situated tissue block of explant (3 mm×3 mm×3 mm) might reduce browning rate. Adding 0.1%Vc or 0.3% active carbon in medium had obvious effect on preventing tissue browning. The exogenous hormone 2 mg/L 6-BA was easy to lead to brownness turning, and 2 mg/L Kt and 2 mg/L NAA brought less effect to tissue browning. When using disinfectants of alcohol, its dipping time of 5~10 s for explant was the best, with the minimum browning rate. The culture under full illumination condition was liable to induce brownness turning, compared with other cultured conditions, the brownness turning could be restrained effectively by using imitating artificial climate condition for culture.
    结果] 鸢尾的新生芽和花瓣较适宜作组织培养的外植体,与其他部位相比褐变率较低;外植体组织块适中(3 mm×3 mm×3 mm)可降低褐变率;在培养基中加入0.1%Vc或0.3%活性炭对防止组织褐化效果明显;外源激素2 mg/L 6-BA易引发褐变,2 mg/L Kt和2 mg/L NAA对组织褐变影响不大;使用乙醇消毒剂时,对外植体浸泡时间以5~10 s为佳,褐变率最低;全光照条件培养容易诱发褐变,采用仿人工气候条件培养较其他条件培养可有效抑制褐变的发生。

6. Content of flavone is the hightest in browning callus. It is supposed, that suppose which the last pace of synthesize flavone is in brovwing callus. SDS-PAGE cataphoresis electrophoresis show protein has big change from differentiating callus to browning callus. The change may has relation with change of enzymire activiation of control flavone synthesize.
    黄酮含量的变化以褐化愈伤组织中含量最高,因此我们推测:黄酮合成的最后几步,可能发生在褐化愈伤组织中,从可溶性蛋白质的 SDS-PAGE 平板电泳结果表明,分化愈伤组织与褐化愈伤组织相比蛋白质谱带发生了明显的变化,这可能与控制黄酮合成的有关酶的活性变化有关。

7. The fan gently sends air to every area of the food, quickly browning, crisping and sealing in moisture and fiavor.

8. To cook by browning in fat, then simmering in a small quantity of liquid in a covered container.

9. Browning的意思

9. The changes in main material of nonenzymatic browning in Chinese jujube-Youzao and relations with browning during different temperature and time with hot air dring were studied.

10. Browning saw a highflying banker who had been made redundant immediately begin looking for the same role elsewhere.

11. It is the base producing Maotai-flavor substances because the main flavor of Maotai-flavor liquor comes from high temperature daqu (the color change and the flavor change of high temperature daqu caused by browning reaction under high temperature).

12. danci.edu.pub

12. She read Browning aloud to him, and was often puzzled by the strange interpretations he gave to mooted passages.

13. For fresh-cut apples to keep fresh arid from serious browning, the optimum storage temperature was 4℃ and the total number of bacteria was less than 10^4 cfu/g.

14. Browning是什么意思

14. According to the browning phenomenon of Castanea mollissima in plant tissue culture and the activity of the peroxidase and polyphenolic oxidase, the results of my study indicated that the activity of PPO has relativity with the browning of the callus, that is the higher activity of enzyme, the more severity of browning. But POD was not as PPO.

15. So it is deduced that the callus browning is related to the anabolism of polyamines and enthene.

16. Enzymatic browning normally occurs during procession of Wild rice stem and its quality was affected.

17. But how can you tell that it''s Not Robert Browning?

18. In one of the poems she praised one of the works of Robert Browning, which gained his attention.

19. But Browning''s poetry is not easy to read.

20. Browning的解释

20. On the whole, Browning''s style is very different from that of any other Victorian poets.

Browning 单语例句


1. This is the " browning " of technology in Africa, according to the article.

2. And many kinds of cosmetics on the shelves screen out ultraviolet rays and neutralize its browning effect.

3. If you see the top of the lamb browning too quickly, cover with a piece of foil.

4. Fry for about eight minutes each side or until you see them browning.

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