1. She broomed up the scraps of paper.
1. 扫把:请求好心的四月天扶她回家,但这位老妇人说话吞吞吐吐,走起路来健步如飞,其中必定有诈,四月天小心翼翼地走入老妇人的小屋,才发现她真的上了贼船;右边的柜子里好像有人被困住,用一旁的扫把(broom)将之撬开,便救出Ben-Bandu的哥哥,
2. 金雀花:须王 环(Tamaki Suou) 出生日期: 4月8日 诞生花: 金雀花 (Broom) 花语:仁善 花占卜:您天生有股如仙子般的独特气质,清逸脱俗,个性温柔,待人亲切有礼,平凡中有著高贵和神圣不可侵犯的威严.
3. broom的近义词
3. 帚:屋里一片漆黑,除了扫帚(broom)外,别的都看不见. 拿起扫帚回到自己的卧室,用扫帚把贪睡的魔箱(Luggage)摇醒,取出里面的香蕉. 来到图书室,与管理员提到<龙的藏身处>>这本书,但似乎说不通,将魔箱里的香蕉给他,管理员很快就把那本书拿来了.
1. 扫帚
A broom is a kind of brush with a long handle. You use a broom for sweeping the floor.
2. 金雀花(一种野生灌木,开许多黄色小花)
Broom is a wild bush with a lot of tiny yellow flowers.
1. a cleaning implement for sweeping
bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle
2. common Old World heath represented by many varieties
low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere
Synonym: heatherlingScots heatherCalluna vulgaris
3. any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers
1. finish with a broom
2. sweep with a broom or as if with a broom
e.g. Sweep the crumbs off the table
Sweep under the bed
Synonym: sweep