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break out是什么意思 break out在线翻译 break out什么意思 break out的意思 break out的翻译 break out的解释 break out的发音 break out的同义词

break out [breik aut]  [brek aʊt] 

break out 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发生,爆发; 突然发生,爆发; 向外砸开

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break out 网络解释

1. 爆发:这位多才多艺的女星又把才华发挥到了音乐上,最近麦莉录制了自己的首张独唱专辑<<爆发>>(Break Out). 年仅15岁的麦莉在接受采访时表示,专辑的名称....新浪娱乐讯 有什么比电影更能让自己的乐队出名? 因为电影<<安格斯,

2. 破出:最容易在平切片平切上看到全貌,平环的最小宽度,是否有破出(Break out)等现象都要比直切片更为清楚及真实. 经过无电铜(化学铜)后,可将背后尽量磨簿,做背光法检查铜壁是否覆盖(Coverage)良好或有破洞情形.

3. (战争)爆发:15.在战争爆发(break out)以前,他曾是个音乐家(musician). 一旦动词是及物动词,我们就可以将这个句子由原来的主动语气(active voice)改成被动语气(passive voice). 但我们也要警告读者,不要轻易用被动语气,因为有时被动语气的句子是不自然的.

break out 词典解释

1. (战争、战斗或疾病)爆发
    If something such as war, fighting, or disease breaks out, it begins suddenly.

break out的反义词

    e.g. He was 29 when war broke out...
    e.g. I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out.

2. 越狱;逃跑
    If a prisoner breaks out of a prison, they escape from it.

    e.g. The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence.

3. 摆脱(单调刻板的状况)
    If you break out of a dull situation or routine, you manage to change it or escape from it.


    e.g. It''s taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training...
    e.g. If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.

4. 布满(汗水);出(疹子)
    If you break out in a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin.

    e.g. A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts...
    e.g. A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint.

break out 英英释义



1. become raw or open

    e.g. He broke out in hives
           My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries
           Such boils tend to recrudesce

    Synonym: eruptrecrudesce

2. start abruptly

    e.g. After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc

    Synonym: erupt

3. begin suddenly and sometimes violently

    e.g. He broke out shouting

4. take from stowage in preparation for use

5. move away or escape suddenly

    e.g. The horses broke from the stable
           Three inmates broke jail
           Nobody can break out--this prison is high security

    Synonym: breakbreak away

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