
bore [bɔ:(r)]  [bɔr, bor] 


bore 基本解释


及物动词钻孔; 令人厌烦; 用钻、挖或掘的方式打通

不及物动词钻孔; 挖洞; 稳步前进; 挤过去

名词使人讨厌的人[物]; 高潮; 膛径,口径; 钻子

bore 相关例句


1. This new model of drilling machine can bore through solid rock ten metres deep.


2. I''m bored with this job.

3. They were taught how to bore rivet holes in the sides of ships.


1. bore的意思

1. They were boring for water.


1. It''s a bore having to go out again.

bore 网络解释

1. 孔:刀柄分为直径为32mm及40mm的镗孔(Bore)款及直径为12~40mm的钻头(Shank)款,设置的材质适于加工钢材、铸件、不锈钢及铝合金等. 通过进行表面处理,提高了耐腐蚀性及耐摩擦性,延长了使用寿命. 直径为32mm的镗孔刀柄为5万7960日元(含税),

2. 枪膛:值得一提的是狙击枪管的枪膛(bore)不像突击步枪或者主力步枪(battle rifles)的枪膛一样有电镀铬防锈蚀的程序,这也是为了减少对弹著精密度的妨碍所作的考量.

3. 讨厌的人:越会早到的人(earlybird)不会叫人感到不快,loner(孤独的人)也无伤大雅,那种爱吹嘘自己招人讨厌的人(bore)未必可恨. 最可恨的莫过于snob(狗仗人势的人). i.在你的交际圈中或许还有一些其他朋友:socialclimber(喜欢与上层人物交往的人),

bore 词典解释

1. 使厌烦;使厌倦
    If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.

    e.g. Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy...
    e.g. Life in the country bores me.

2. 使厌烦透顶;使烦得要命
    If someone or something bores you to tears ,bores you to death, or bores you stiff, they bore you very much indeed.

    e.g. ...a handsome engineer who bored me to tears with his tale of motorway maintenance
    e.g. I dropped out of high school. It bored me to death.

3. 令人厌烦的人;无趣的人
    You describe someone as a bore when you think that they talk in a very uninteresting way.

    e.g. There is every reason why I shouldn''t enjoy his company — he''s a bore and a fool.
           我有充分的理由不愿和他在一起 —— 他又乏味又愚笨。

4. 令人生厌的事;无聊的事
    You can describe a situation as a bore when you find it annoying.

    e.g. It''s a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.

5. 钻,凿,挖(孔)
    If you bore a hole in something, you make a deep round hole in it using a special tool.

    e.g. Get the special drill bit to bore the correct-size hole for the job.

6. 凝视;盯着看
    If someone''s eyes bore into you, they stare intensely at you.


    e.g. His eyes bored into her, paralysing her, robbing her of movement...
    e.g. Her eyes seemed to bore a hole in mine.

7. (每年某一时期海水涌入江河的)涌潮,激潮
    A bore is a very large wave that moves quickly up certain rivers from the sea at particular times of the year as a result of unusual tides.


9. see also: bored;boring

bore 英英释义


1. a hole or passage made by a drill
    usually made for exploratory purposes

    Synonym: bore-holedrill hole

2. diameter of a tube or gun barrel

    Synonym: gaugecalibercalibre

3. a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary)

    Synonym: tidal boreeagreaegireager

4. a person who evokes boredom

    Synonym: dullard


1. make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool

    e.g. don''t drill here, there''s a gas pipe
           drill a hole into the wall
           drill for oil
           carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall

    Synonym: drill

2. cause to be bored

    Synonym: tire

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