1. 簿记员:但是,从事初级工作的,如助理会计师 (accounting assistant ) ,簿记员(bookkeeper)及管理培训生(managementtrainee ),仅要求具备副学士学位(an Associate's degree) 会计人员面试即要求在大学修满本专业两年课程.
2. 记帐员:发表于: 4/03/2006 17:07 发表主题: Re: 聘记帐员(bookkeeper)本公司须聘请一位负责任,英文写作能力强的记帐员(bookkeeper)一名. 请电Eric (508) 650-8881.
1. 簿记员;记账员
A bookkeeper is a person whose job is to keep an accurate record of the money that is spent and received by a business or other organization.
1. someone who records the transactions of a business