
blunt [blʌnt]  [blʌnt] 


blunt 基本解释

形容词直率的; 迟钝的; 钝的,不锋利的; 呆板的

及物动词使迟钝; 使钝

名词钝的东西; 小雪茄烟

blunt 相关例句


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. This knife is blunt.


2. His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others.


3. A blunt knife draws no blood.

4. Let me ask a blunt question.


1. The drug blunted his senses.

blunt 网络解释

1. 钝:挥舞时的基准钝(blunt)器伤害为16,直刺时的基准钝器伤害为10. 首先是砍(cut)伤. 砍伤代表着利刃的切割动作,如剑或斧. 砍伤对没有护甲或轻甲的敌人有伤害奖励,但对重甲却有很大的伤害惩罚. 砍伤若使敌人生命值减到0,则会杀死他.

2. 钝击武器:钝击武器(Blunt) 新手:做成基本攻击伤害. 学徒:得到熟练站立重击(Mastery Standing Power Attack)伤害奖励. 熟手:得到熟练左右重击(Mastery Left and Right Power Attack)伤害奖励,并且有机会令敌人缴械.

3. 钝器:支配钝器(Blunt)、锐器(Blade)以及空手格斗(Hand to Hand)三项技能. ●智力:决定魔力值总量(智力x2=魔力值). 支配炼金术(Alchemy)、召唤系法术(Conjuration)以及通灵系法术(Mysticism)三项技能. ●意志:数值越高魔力恢复越快,

4. 钝的:blunt obstacle 钝头障碍体 | blunt 钝的 | blunt 肥线型的

blunt 词典解释

1. 直率的;不客气的;直言不讳的
    If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.

    e.g. She is blunt about her personal life...
    e.g. She told the industry in blunt terms that such discrimination is totally unacceptable.

''I don''t believe you!'' Jeanne said bluntly...
To put it bluntly, he became a pain.
His bluntness got him into trouble.

2. (物体)钝的,不锋利的,不尖的
    A blunt object has a rounded or flat end rather than a sharp one.

    e.g. One of them had been struck 13 times over the head with a blunt object.

3. (刀子或刀片)钝的,不锋利的
    A blunt knife or blade is no longer sharp and does not cut well.

4. 使(情感、感觉、需求)减弱;使迟钝
    If something blunts an emotion, a feeling or a need, it weakens it.


    e.g. The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it...
    e.g. Our appetite was blunted by the beer.

blunt 英英释义


1. make less lively, intense, or vigorous
    impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation

    e.g. Terror blunted her feelings
           deaden a sound

    Synonym: deaden

2. make less sharp

    e.g. blunt the knives

3. make less intense

    e.g. blunted emotions

4. make dull or blunt

    e.g. Too much cutting dulls the knife''s edge

    Synonym: dull

5. make numb or insensitive

    e.g. The shock numbed her senses

    Synonym: numbbenumbdull



1. devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment

    e.g. the blunt truth
           the crude facts
           facing the stark reality of the deadline

    Synonym: crude(a)stark(a)

2. characterized by directness in manner or speech
    without subtlety or evasion

    e.g. blunt talking and straight shooting
           a blunt New England farmer
           I gave them my candid opinion
           forthright criticism
           a forthright approach to the problem
           tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank
           it is possible to be outspoken without being rude
           plainspoken and to the point
           a point-blank accusation

    Synonym: candidforthrightfrankfree-spokenoutspokenplainspokenpoint-blankstraight-from-the-shoulder

3. used of a knife or other blade
    not sharp

    e.g. a blunt instrument

4. having a broad or rounded end

    e.g. thick marks made by a blunt pencil

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