1. 美洲野牛:远眺峰顶,则白雪皑皑,景色优美. 拥有多处养鱼场,饲养丰腴味美鳟鱼(Bulltrout),乃是露营或钓鱼的好去处. 此外,黄石国家公园像个野生动物的天国,美洲野牛(Bison)、麋鹿(Elk)、北美郊狼(Coyote)等难以数计的野生动物栖息其间.
2. [[美洲野牛属]:河狸(Castor)利用腺体分泌物涂抹泥丘和突出水面的物体;熊科(ursidae)和美洲野牛属(Bison)动物排尿后,在尿上翻滚,...
3. bison在线翻译
3. 野牛(属):20世纪,欧洲科学家利用已被家庭驯养的牛,培育出新的欧洲野牛(Heck欧洲洲野牛 美洲野牛(B.bison)属于偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)、牛科(Bovidae)、野牛属(Bison)体长2.1-3.5米,尾
1. (北美洲或欧洲的)野牛
A bison is a large hairy animal with a large head that is a member of the cattle family. They used to be very common in North America and Europe.
1. any of several large humped bovids having shaggy manes and large heads and short horns