
bind [baɪnd]  [baɪnd] 


bind 基本解释

及物动词捆绑; 约束; 装订; (用长布条)缠绕


名词捆绑; 窘境,困境; 植物的藤蔓

bind 相关词组


1. in a bind : 处于困境;

bind 相关例句


1. He was bound (as an) apprentice to a shoe-maker.

2. bind的翻译

2. The dress is bound with ribbon.

3. The contract binds me to complete the work within two months.

4. Many things bind us (together).


1. The mixture won''t bind without water.

bind 网络解释

1. 系结:周期程式来做所有我们的设定,且保持活动(active)的状态直到我们结束它为执行了一个处理,就如同你仍有最後的程式(last program)和周期程式我们可以明确地定位它. 我们将以META-SHIFT-LEFT 系结 (bind) 此选单. 所

2. 连接:LDAP在身份验证方面定义了连接(Bind)、断接(Unbind)和作废(Abandon)等三个操作. 连接操作主要是客户端向服务器提供身份信息,包括DN和口令,以便于服务器验证客户端的身份,身份验证成功即建立客户端与服务器之间的会话(session).

3. bind:berkeley internet name domain; 伯克利因特网名称域(用于域名服务器的软件)

4. bind的近义词

4. bind:the biomolecular interaction network database; 免费)资源简介

5. bind:berkeley internet name daemon; 主干

bind 词典解释

1. 使紧密联系;使关系密切
    If something binds people together, it makes them feel as if they are all part of the same group or have something in common.

    e.g. It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.
    e.g. ...the social and political ties that bind the USA to Britain.

2. 约束;限制;使负有义务(或责任)
    If you are bound by something such as a rule, agreement, or restriction, you are forced or required to act in a certain way.


    e.g. The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC...
    e.g. The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects...

The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking...
Few of them feel bound by any enduring loyalties.

3. 束;绑;捆绑
    If you bind something or someone, you tie rope, string, tape, or other material around them so that they are held firmly.

    e.g. Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.
    e.g. ...the red tape which was used to bind the files...

4. 装订(书籍)
    When a book is bound, the pages are joined together and the cover is put on.

    e.g. Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth...
    e.g. Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.

...leather-bound stamp albums.

5. 结合
    If one chemical or particle is bound to another, it becomes attached to it or reacts with it to form a single particle or substance.

    e.g. At present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together...
    e.g. These may bind to receptor molecules on the surfaces of cells...

6. (烹饪中)(使)黏合
    In cookery, if you bind a mixture of food, you form it into a mass by mixing it with a sticky substance.

    e.g. Bind the mixture with the raw minced liver and cook for 3 minutes more.
    e.g. ...a divine mixture of vegetarian cheeses bound with egg.

7. 左右为难的境地;进退两难的境地
    If you are in a bind, you are in a difficult situation, usually because you have to make a decision or a choice and whatever decision or choice you make will have unpleasant consequences.

    e.g. This puts the politicians in a bind as to what course to take...
    e.g. I''ll advance you the money for it, here and now, just to help you out of a bind.

8. 令人不快的事物;无聊的事物
    If you say that something is a bind, you mean that it is unpleasant and boring to do.


    e.g. It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home.

9. see also: binding;bound;double bind

相关词组:bind over

bind 英英释义



1. something that hinders as if with bonds


1. cause to be constipated

    e.g. These foods tend to constipate you

    Synonym: constipate

2. form a chemical bond with

    e.g. The hydrogen binds the oxygen

3. bind by an obligation
    cause to be indebted

    e.g. He''s held by a contract
           I''ll hold you by your promise

    Synonym: obligeholdobligate

4. fasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord

    e.g. They tied their victim to the chair

    Synonym: tie

5. secure with or as if with ropes

    e.g. tie down the prisoners
           tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed

    Synonym: tie downtie uptruss

6. make fast
    tie or secure, with or as if with a rope

    e.g. The Chinese would bind the feet of their women

7. wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose

    Synonym: bandage

8. provide with a binding

    e.g. bind the books in leather

9. stick to firmly

    e.g. Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?

    Synonym: adherehold fastbondstickstick to

10. create social or emotional ties

    e.g. The grandparents want to bond with the child

    Synonym: tieattachbond

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