
bid [bɪd]  [bɪd] 

第三人称单数:bids现在分词:bidding过去分词:bid; bidden过去式:bade; bid

bid 基本解释

名词出价,投标; 努力争取; 喊价; 叫牌

及物/不及物动词出价, 投标

及物动词恳求; 命令; 说(问候话); 邀请,致敬

不及物动词投标; 力求,企图得到或赢得某物; 企图(for)


bid 相关例句


1. He bade me hold my tongue.

2. I bid 2 spades.

3. 公共查询·英语单词

3. He bid $5 for an old book.


1. The firm decided to bid on the guidance system.


1. Bids for building the bridge were invited.

2. bid

2. Park wants to sell his farm, and he has already had two large bids for it.

bid 情景对话


B:Was our bid accepted ?

A:No ,I ‘m sorry .it wasn‘t .

B:Can you tell me why ?

A:Sorry ,but I‘m not at liberty to reveal that information.



B:Congratulations ! your bid has won .


A:When can you come around to discuss some details with us ?

B:I‘ll be there next Monday at noon .

A:I‘m glad to hear that .



B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.

A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .

B:Will you let us have the specifications ?


A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .

bid 网络解释

1. 投标:可以(may)才美--末尾字均为相应单词谐音.同 b~d 串记:投标(bid)一张发芽(bud)的坏(bad)床(bed). 同 b-g 串记:乞求(beg)一大(big)袋(bag)臭虫(bug). 同 bu~串记:但是(but)在公汽(bus)上买(buy)了生臭虫(bug)的 花芽(bud).

2. bid

2. 叫价:1)买入叫价(bid)及沽出叫价(ask)-- 买入叫价,属即市买入价. 将买入盘挂入该栏后,须待沽家肯以该价格沽货,买卖才成交. 若想实时买入,应以市价买盘扫入,承盘价一般是即市沽出价. 将沽出盘挂出后,须待买家肯以该价承盘,买卖才成交.

3. bid:bureau of immigration and deportation; 入出境管理局

4. bid:bis in die; 每日两次

5. bid的翻译

5. bid:business information directory; 业务信息目录

6. bid:british intelligence department; 英国情报部

bid 词典解释


The form bid is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. bid 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

1. 努力;尝试;企图
    A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it.

    e.g. ...Sydney''s successful bid for the 2000 Olympic Games...
    e.g. The Government has already closed down two newspapers in a bid to silence its critics.

2. 投标;出价
    A bid is an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something that is being sold.

    e.g. Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of £351 million.

3. 努力争取;尝试
    If you bid for something or bid to do something, you try to obtain it or do it.

    e.g. Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports...
    e.g. I don''t think she is bidding to be Prime Minister again.

4. 投标;竞标;出价
    If you bid for something that is being sold, you offer to pay a particular amount of money for it.

    e.g. She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table...
    e.g. The bank announced its intention to bid...

The bidding starts at £2 million.

相关词组:bid up


American English sometimes uses the form bid for the past tense. 美国英语中,过去式有时用 bid。

1. 道(别、晚安等)
    If you bid someone farewell, you say goodbye to them. If you bid them goodnight, you say goodnight to them.

    e.g. She bade farewell to her son...
    e.g. I bade her goodnight.

2. 要求;邀请
    If you bid someone do something, you ask or invite them to do it.

    e.g. They all smiled at him and bade him eat...
    e.g. I dare say he did as he was bidden.

3. see also: bidding

bid 英英释义



1. an attempt to get something

    e.g. they made a futile play for power
           he made a bid to gain attention

    Synonym: play

2. (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make

    Synonym: bidding

3. a formal proposal to buy at a specified price

    Synonym: tender

4. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something

    Synonym: commandbiddingdictation


1. ask for or request earnestly

    e.g. The prophet bid all people to become good persons

    Synonym: beseechentreatadjurepressconjure

2. ask someone in a friendly way to do something

    Synonym: invite

3. invoke upon

    e.g. wish you a nice evening
           bid farewell

    Synonym: wish

4. make a serious effort to attain something

    e.g. His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population

5. propose a payment

    e.g. The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting

    Synonym: offertender

6. make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands

    e.g. He called his trump

    Synonym: call

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