
battalion [bəˈtæliən]  [bəˈtæljən] 


battalion 基本解释

名词(陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士); 大军,部队; (组织在一起工作的)队伍; 大批,许多,大量

battalion 网络解释

1. 营:现在是旅(Brigade)、营(Battalion)、连(Company)、排(Platoon)、班(Element)没有师(Regiment Division)了. 数日后,两名医生收到房东木特鲁(Erol Mutlu)的电子邮件,表示他的兄弟丹尼兹(Deniz Mutlu)正前往史密森尼博物馆,要求归还陨石.

2. 大队:II 营或 大队 (battalion) 三百到一千人 二到六个连或 四到六个中队 中校I 连或 中队 (company) 六十到二百五十人 三到六个排或 小队 上尉或 少校排或 小队 (Platoon) 二十五到四十人 两个班以上或 分队 少尉或 中尉组 (section or patrol) 八到十二人 两个伍以上 中士或 上士班或 伙,

3. battalion的意思

3. 军营:batta 战时津贴 | battalion 军营 | batteau 平底小舟

4. battalion在线翻译

4. 军队:bathroom 浴室 | battalion 军队 | batter 连击

battalion 词典解释

1. 营;军营
    A battalion is a large group of soldiers that consists of three or more companies.

    e.g. Anthony was ordered to return to his battalion...
    e.g. He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.

2. (尤指有组织、有特定任务、高效的)一大群,一大批
    A battalion of people is a large group of them, especially a well-organized, efficient group that has a particular task to do.

    e.g. There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn''t make the press.

battalion 英英释义


1. an army unit usually consisting of a headquarters and three or more companies

2. a large indefinite number

    e.g. a battalion of ants
           a multitude of TV antennas
           a plurality of religions

    Synonym: large numbermultitudepluralitypack

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