
baroque [bəˈrəʊk]  [bəˈrok] 

baroque 基本解释

形容词巴罗克式的; 巴罗克风格的; 过分装饰的; 奇形怪状的

名词巴罗克风格; 新奇作品; 怪异型

baroque 网络解释

1. baroque

1. 巴罗克风格:西方人已经厌倦了统一对称的巴罗克风格 (Baroque),中国艺术的不对称性审美特征恰好表达了洛可可艺术纤细、轻盈、精巧、复杂的美学理想. 西方人也开始修建亭榭与塔、带飞檐的屋顶、几乎落地的长窗. (C图3)中国货的精巧、幻美、奇异,

baroque 词典解释

1. (17世纪和18世纪早期流行于欧洲的一种设计繁复的建筑和艺术风格)巴洛克式的,巴洛克风格的
    Baroque architecture and art is an elaborate style of architecture and art that was popular in Europe in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

    e.g. The baroque church of San Leonardo is worth a quick look.
    e.g. ...a collection of treasures dating from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period.

2. (18世纪欧洲音乐)巴洛克式的,巴洛克风格的
    Baroque music is a style of European music that was written in the 18th century.

    e.g. ...the German baroque composer Georg Philip Telemann...
    e.g. A more widespread interest in baroque music developed only slowly in the Sixties and Seventies.

3. 复杂精美的;精雕细琢的
    Baroque things are complicated and elaborate.

    e.g. He was a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant, clothes.
    e.g. ...Paul Muldoon, who is among the most baroque of contemporary poets.

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