1. Reserve balances deposited at the Federal Reserve Bank by US commercial banks.
2. The highest standards of control must be maintained over all cash and bank balances at all times.
3. Bad news for the high street has become good news for the bank balances of UK shoppers this Christmas!
4. In charge of booking in the detailed use of funds and checking bank/cash balances
5. Energy Information Administration International Energy Data and Analysis — A data bank of energy balances sorted by country.
6. Among these, including the business and bank balances and bank straight paste with the inter-bank posted in the buy-out part.
7. Currency and coins on hand, bank balances, and negotiable money orders and checks.
8. The carrying amounts of cash and bank balances, trade and other debtors, trade and other
9. Reorienting the Bank`s existing project portfolio, including the use of undisbursed balances without disrupting the momentum or success of the projects involved.
10. And ConocoPhillips will need to add debt, spend their substantial cash balances or cut other costs in order to fully fund capital budgets and maintain their dividends, according to a cash-flow analysis by credit analysts at Barclays Capital, the investment-banking arm of British bank Barclays PLC.
11. bank balances的解释
11. Those deposits are called reserve balances and are the key component along with currency of base money or central bank money which ultimately brings about changes in broader money supply measures.
12. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has extended credit to Maiden Lane LLC, Maiden Lane II LLC, Maiden Lane III LLC, and Commercial Paper Funding Facility LLC, as discussed in the notes to the Board''s H.4.1 statistical release, Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks.
13. danci.911cha.com
13. Keep up with your daily bank balances, lest you make a math error and find your checks begin to cascade rapidly.
14. Here`s a hypothetical example of how Yodlee could work in a year or two, if banks were to create appropriate Web services: Tired of fielding numerous requests for data feeds, each bank could set up a Web service that provides account balances.
15. The subsidiary of the Dutch bank has attracted $60 billion in deposits by offering online savings accounts with no fees, no minimum balances and high interest rates.
16. Demand deposits are balances in bank accounts that depositors can access on demand by writing a check.
17. As you transfer your balances from one bank to another you''ll find that all your bankcards will start to offer you better and better deals.
18. After offsetting the amount of checks receivable and that of checks payable, the banks which have favorable balances will increase their deposits in the People''s Bank Of China.
19. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AND PLEDGED BANK BALANCES The Group The Company 2008200720082007 HK$`000 HK$`000 HK$`000 HK$`000 Deposits at banks 151, 203178, 805 –– Cash at bank and in hand 125, 23744, 547193319276, 440223, 352193319 Less: Pledged deposits – for bank loans –(2, 141)––– as guarantees to landlords (10, 133)(2, 049)–– Deposits and cash 266, 307219, 162193319 Less: Time deposits with maturity over three months –(10, 031) Cash and cash equivalents held by jointly controlled entity held for sale 10, 841 – Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated cash flow statement 277, 148209, 131 Cash at bank earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates.
现金及现金等值项目及已抵押银行结存本集团本公司二零零八年二零零七年二零零八年二零零七年千港元千港元千港元千港元银行存款 151,203 178,805 ––银行及库存现金 125,237 44,547 193 319 276,440 223,352 193 319 减:已抵押存款-银行贷款之抵押–(2,141)––-作为业主担保之抵押(10,133)(2,049)––存款及现金 266,307 219,162 193 319 减:三个月以后到期之定期存款–(10,031)持作待售之共同控制公司持有之现金及现金等值项目 10,841 –综合现金流量表之现金及现金等值项目 277,148 209,131 存放于银行之现金按每日银行存款利率以浮息计息。
20. Mr Rankin said the bank''s private wealth management division and its transaction banking unit, which helps companies manage their cash balances, each aimed to double revenues over the next three years.
1. Li said the demolitions and relocations have meant a welcome increase in the bank balances of many of his neighbors.
2. Furthermore, technology plays an important role in the checks and balances in a bank.
3. The Spice Girls have hit back at rumours that they are only reuniting to boost their bank balances.