1. 尸体剖检:诊断病理学是以明确疾病诊断为主要目的,通过从病人或从病人体内获取的器官、组织、细胞或体液为对象从而做出正确诊断,包括尸体剖检(autopsy)、活体组织检查(biopsy)和细胞学(cytology)诊断,直接为临床防治疾病服务.
2. 解剖:此病症的发生率是随着年龄的增加而增加,由医学上的前列腺切除术(Prostatect0my),或是尸体解剖(Autopsy)的研究报告指出,前列腺组织的增生早在30岁以前便开始了(Berry et al,1984),而经由组织学的研究发现,60岁的男性约有50%的前列腺肥大发生率;
3. autopsy的意思
3. autopsy:automatic operating system; 自动操作系统
1. 尸体剖检;验尸
An autopsy is an examination of a dead body by a doctor who cuts it open in order to try to discover the cause of death.
e.g. The autopsy report gave the cause of death as poisoning.
1. an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease
Synonym: necropsypostmortempost-mortemPMpostmortem examinationpost-mortem examination
1. perform an autopsy on a dead body
do a post-mortem