1. 核准:不具有直接适用的效力,需要由成员国以国内法的形式引进转化. 欧盟条约把选择实施指令的形式和方法的权限留给了成员国. 但成员国必须保证指令得到有效的实施. 二、UCITS的核准(Authorization)及基金管理人和托管人的资格
2. 权限:一个AuthorizationObject的各个AuthorizationFields被分别赋予不同的值,就构成了一个权限(Authorization). R/3系统中的权限检查与控制,就是针对它(Authorization)而进行的. 同时,为了方便对于用户权限的管理和维护,
1. the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant
Synonym: authorisationempowerment
2. official permission or approval
e.g. authority for the program was renewed several times
Synonym: authorityauthorisationsanction
3. the power or right to give orders or make decisions
e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants
deputies are given authorization to make arrests
a place of potency in the state
Synonym: authorityauthorisationpotencydominancesay-so
4. a document giving an official instruction or command
Synonym: mandateauthorisation