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at work是什么意思 at work在线翻译 at work什么意思 at work的意思 at work的翻译 at work的解释 at work的发音 at work的同义词 at work的反义词

at work [æt wə:k]  [æt wɚk] 

at work 基本解释


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at work 相关例句


1. They are at work on a new dictionary.

at work 情景对话


B:What do you do?

A:I work full-time at the (hospital/ library/ supemp3arket).



A:Have you made a decision about your job yet?

B:Not yet. I’m still considering my options.


A:What are they?

B:I can stay at my current job and hope that they give me a promotion soon.


at work

B:Or I can take the new job for less money and more responsibilities and hope that they give me a raise soon.

A:So what is more important to you, money or a challenge?

B:I’d rather find my work challenging than make a lot of money. But there is the possibility that I could be challenged at work and make more money.

at work的近义词

A:I think I know what you’re going to decide.


A:Well, I don’t think you’re a risk-taker. That’s all I’m going to say.

B:Do you think I should be?

at work的意思

A:I’m not going to tell you what to decide. You have to make the decision for yourself.

B:Do you think I should take more risks?

A:I’m not saying anything else. If give you advice and it doesn’t turn out well, then you’ll blame it all on me!
      我不会说其他的了。如果我给了你建议,但如果并不好, 你会全怪我的!

B:No, I won’t.


A:Yes, you will.

B:No, I promise that I won’t blame you.

A:I’d like to see that in writing!

at work 网络解释

1. at work

1. 在工作:推动中国当代艺术进入全球读者视野也是明年出版物的一大亮点,外文出版社的<<798艺术区和中国当代艺术>>(The 798 Art Zone and Chinese Contemporary Art)以及包含25位著名中国当代艺术家专访的<<在工作>>(At Work)是其中翘楚.

2. (工作):分别研究各种成分在话语(discourse)中的功能. 第2.1节的标题是Structures and Data. 这一节的主要内容是讨论我们现在是否可以更有利地用语言来发现隐藏着的在线工作(at work)的认知过程. 作者对之的回答是肯定的,主要有以下理由:

3. 在工作,忙于:word for word 逐字地 | at work 在工作,忙于 | out of work 失业

4. (人)在工作;忙于:at times 有时,不时 | at work (人)在工作;忙于 | at worst 在最坏的情况下

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