公共查询英语单词大全at any time是什么意思

at any time是什么意思 at any time在线翻译 at any time什么意思 at any time的意思 at any time的翻译 at any time的解释 at any time的发音

at any time [æt ˈeni taim]  [æt ˈɛni taɪm] 

at any time 基本解释

副词随时; 任何时候

手机查看at any time的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 公共查询大全 后发送 at any time 即可

at any time 情景对话



A:How may I help you?

B:Well, I’m going to travel next month and would like to buy some travel insurance. Can I do that here?

A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?


B:I’m going to Thailand.

A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?

at any time是什么意思

B:I hope to. Why?

A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.

B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.
      哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。

A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you’d like. Have you looked over our brochure?

at any time

B:Not yet.

A:Why don’t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.




A:You’ll also need to decide how long you’d like the travel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.

B:I’ll just need it for one month.

at any time的解释

A:When you’ve finished reading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I’ll answer them for you.

B:Thanks for your help.

at any time 网络解释

1. 任何时候:自助餐24小时提供服务,任何时候(at any time)你想吃都有的吃. 我们中国游客不太喜欢吃点餐,一是点餐光看菜谱就很吃力,又费时间,又受拘束,所以吃一两次点餐后,就都选择吃自助餐. 自助餐丰富极了,包括鱼片、大虾在内的各种海鲜,

2. at any time的近义词

2. 在任何时候:at any rate 无论如何;至少 | at any time 在任何时候 | at best 充其量,至多

3. 无论何时,随时,任何时候:at any rate无论如何,至少 | at any time无论何时,随时,任何时候 | at first sight乍一看,初看起来

at any time是什么意思,at any time在线翻译,at any time什么意思,at any time的意思,at any time的翻译,at any time的解释,at any time的发音,at any time的同义词,at any time的反义词,at any time的例句,at any time的相关词组,at any time意思是什么,at any time怎么翻译,单词at any time是什么意思
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