
associate [əˈsəʊʃieɪt]  [əˈsoʊʃieɪt] 


associate 基本解释

及物动词联想; (使)发生联系; (使)联合; 结交

不及物动词联盟; 陪伴同事

名词合伙人; 伴侣,同志; 非正式会员

形容词联合的; 合伙的; 非正式的; (性质上)有密切联系的

associate 相关例句


1. I didn''t want to be associated with it at all.

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. They associate turkey with Thanksgiving.


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1. Never associate with bad companions.

2. He associates with all sorts of people.


1. He is one of my associates at the store.

associate 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /ə''səʊsieɪt/. The noun and adjective are pronounced /ə''səʊsiət/. 动词读作/ə''səʊsieɪt/,名词和形容词读作/ə''səʊsiət/。

1. 联系;联想
    If you associate someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.

    e.g. Through science we''ve got the idea of associating progress with the future...
    e.g. Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.

2. 使与(某个组织、事业或观点)有关系;公开支持
    If you are associated with a particular organization, cause, or point of view, or if you associate yourself with it, you support it publicly.

    e.g. I haven''t been associated with the project over the last year...
    e.g. The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.

3. 与…为伍;与…交往;与…厮混
    If you say that someone is associating with another person or group of people, you mean they are spending a lot of time in the company of people you do not approve of.

    e.g. What would they think if they knew that they were associating with a murderer?...
    e.g. They disapproved of her dancing at discos and associating with homosexuals.

4. (尤指)同事;合作人;伙伴
    Your associates are the people you are closely connected with, especially at work.

    e.g. ...the restaurant owner''s business associates.

5. (用于等级或头衔前,表示稍有不同或略低)副的,准的
    Associate is used before a rank or title to indicate a slightly different or lower rank or title.

    e.g. Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute...
    e.g. She applied for associate membership last year.

associate 英英释义


1. a degree granted by a two-year college on successful completion of the undergraduates course of studies

    Synonym: associate degree

2. any event that usually accompanies or is closely connected with another

    e.g. first was the lightning and then its thunderous associate

3. a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor

    e.g. he had to consult his associate before continuing

4. a person with subordinate membership in a society, institution, or commercial enterprise

    e.g. associates in the law firm bill at a lower rate than do partners

5. a friend who is frequently in the company of another

    e.g. drinking companions
           comrades in arms

    Synonym: companioncomradefellowfamiliar


1. make a logical or causal connection

    e.g. I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind
           colligate these facts
           I cannot relate these events at all

    Synonym: tie inrelatelinkcolligatelink upconnect

2. bring or come into association or action

    e.g. The churches consociated to fight their dissolution

    Synonym: consociate

3. keep company with
    hang out with

    e.g. He associates with strange people
           She affiliates with her colleagues

    Synonym: consortaffiliateassort

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