
announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt]  [əˈnaʊnsmənt] 


announcement 基本解释


名词宣告; 通告; 布告; 预告

announcement 相关例句


1. announcement的意思

1. An announcement will be made next week.

2. He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.

3. Every new announcement of hers was greeted with shouts of laughter.

4. announcement

4. We were eager to hear the announcement of the winners of the race.

announcement 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 公告:首先对您申请版主,义务为网友服务的行为表示感谢.请回答以下问题,我们 将根据答卷决定是否正式推荐.多数内容可到0区系统公告(Announcement)版和 BM_Home(版主之家)的版面和精华区寻求答案或参考.

2. announcement什么意思

2. 宣布:计算设备改造为语用设备以后,就具有了特定的专门功能,这个特定的专门功能概念化地宣布(announcement)或广告(public、advertisement)在语用单元典里,成为了网络可见的功能概念,而这些功能概念是由语用设备里的软件构件具体实现了的.

3. 公共查询·英语单词

3. 通知:便函或备忘录(Informal Letters or Memos) 便笺(Short Note) 通知(Announcement) 事务信函(Business Letters) 事务信函--留学申请信 事务信函--奖学金申请信 事务信函--求职信 事务信函--复询信 事务信函--投诉信 社交书信(Letters

announcement 词典解释

1. 布告;声明;通告
    An announcement is a statement made to the public or to the media which gives information about something that has happened or that will happen.

    e.g. Sir Robert made his announcement after talks with the President...
    e.g. There has been no formal announcement by either government.

2. 宣布;宣告;公布
    The announcement of something that has happened is the act of telling people about it.

    e.g. ...the announcement of their engagement...
    e.g. There has been no official announcement of the arrests.

3. (在报纸、商店橱窗等处刊登的)启事,广告,通告
    An announcement in a public place, such as a newspaper or the window of a shop, is a short piece of writing telling people about something or asking for something.

    e.g. He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph.

announcement 英英释义


1. a formal public statement

    e.g. the government made an announcement about changes in the drug war
           a declaration of independence

    Synonym: proclamationannunciationdeclaration

2. a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen

    e.g. the announcement appeared in the local newspaper
           the promulgation was written in English

    Synonym: promulgation

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