名词海葵; 银莲花
1. 海葵:色彩斑斓的小丑鱼 (Clownfish) ,在海葵 (Anemone) 的保护下,悠然自得. 大海鳗、小海马、海扇 (Gorgonian) 等安於其居,又各得其所. 鳜鱼 (Mandarin Fish) 艳比孔雀,产下卵儿无数,润泽生命不断. 一人之所弃,是他人之所得,大自然循环不息,
2. anemone
2. 秋牡丹:秋牡丹(Anemone) 花语:生命、期待、淡淡的爱 维纳斯的一生都在追求爱情,然而爱情的热力却总是短暂的,她对于爱情并不专一. 在她无数的罗曼史中,最为凄美感人.
1. 银莲花,风花(花色分红、紫、白等颜色的园圃植物)
An anemone is a garden plant with red, purple, or white flowers.
1. marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles
differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton
Synonym: sea anemone
2. any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves
Synonym: windflower