名词两栖动物; 水陆两用车; 水旱两生植物; 水陆两用飞行器
形容词两栖(类)的; 水陆两用的; 具有双重性格的
1. 公共查询·英语单词
1. 两栖类:什么能够在理论上阻止古代有蹄类(ungulate )进化成鲸,又有什么能阻止古代鱼类进化成两栖类(amphibian)呢?以后还要提到,化石记录提供了更多的大结构变化的证据,既有骨骼形态的,也有软组织形态的. 然而,
2. amphibian是什么意思
2. 两栖飞机:两栖飞机 两栖飞机(Amphibian)是指可以加装或者是本身就有机轮,能够直接在陆地上操作与起降的水上飞机,这一类飞机可以视需要在水面或者是陆上机场活动,因此有两栖飞机的称呼.
3. 兩棲類動物:Amphiboids - 有两栖类动物(amphibian)的特徵的人种, 水陆两栖Reptileoids - 有爬虫类动物(reptilian)特徵的人种, 皮肤盖满鳞片Insectoids - 有昆虫(insects)特徵的人种, 皮肤有蟹壳质Sauroids - 有蜥脚类动物(sauropod)特徵的人种,
1. 两栖动物
Amphibians are animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water.
2. 水陆两用车
An amphibian is a vehicle which is able to move on both land and water, or an aeroplane which can land on both land and water.
1. cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water
aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form
2. an airplane designed to take off and land on water
Synonym: amphibious aircraft
3. a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water
Synonym: amphibious vehicle
1. relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia
Synonym: amphibious