
allow [əˈlaʊ]  [əˈlaʊ] 


allow 基本解释

及物动词允许; 承认; 给予; 准许(做某事)

不及物动词容许; 考虑

allow 相关词组

1. allow for : 体谅;

allow 相关例句


1. 公共查询·英语单词大全

1. He doesn''t allow cats in the room.

2. The judge allowed the claim.

3. The windfall allowed me to buy a house.

4. We don''t allow such things to be done.


1. The situation allows of no delay.

allow 情景对话



A:(Let me/ Allow me to/ Give me some time to) think about it.


B:All right.


A:Professor Chen, allow me to introduce to you the head of our department, Mr. Wang.

B:How do you do, Mr. Wang?


C:How do you do, Professor Chen?


A:May I see your passport, please?


B:Yes. Here you are.


A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

B:I'm going to visit my older sister in New York.

A:How long will you stay?

B:For several months.

A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?

B:No, I haven't. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister.

A:I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country?


B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.

A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed.

B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor.

A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed.

B:Oh, my poor sister!

allow 网络解释

1. (被)允许:问题补充:十八岁以下的青年不应该被允许(allow)进入网吧. Teenagers under 18().

2. 同意:张学良多次请求(beg)蒋介石(to)停止内战未果,这导致(cause)张学良(to)进行兵谏,迫使(force)蒋介石(to)口头同意(allow)张学良(to)联共抗日,张学良和红军进一步迫使(compel)蒋介石(to)发表了书面承诺,在全国禁止(forbid)国军(to)剿共,

3. allow:allowance; 裕度

allow 词典解释

1. 允许;容许;准许
    If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.

    e.g. The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes...
    e.g. The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television...

2. 向…提供;准许得到
    If you are allowed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it.


    e.g. Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed...
    e.g. He should be allowed the occasional treat.

3. 听任;任凭
    If you allow something to happen, you do not prevent it.

    e.g. He won''t allow himself to fail...
    e.g. If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.

4. 使能够;促使
    If one thing allows another thing to happen, the first thing creates the opportunity for the second thing to happen.

    e.g. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.
    e.g. ...an attempt to allow the Moslem majority a greater share of power...

5. 酌留;留出;酌加
    If you allow a particular length of time or a particular amount of something for a particular purpose, you include it in your planning.


    e.g. Please allow 28 days for delivery...
    e.g. Allow about 75ml (3fl oz) per six servings.

6. 承认;同意
    If you allow that something is true, you admit or agree that it is true.


    e.g. Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality.

7. 请允许我(用以礼貌地表示为某人提供服务)
    Some people say ''Allow me'' as a polite way of offering to do something for someone.

    e.g. Allow me to buy you a drink at the bar.

8. 请允许我(用以引出要说的话)
    Some people use Allow me to... as a way of introducing something that they want to say or do.

    e.g. Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg.

相关词组:allow for

allow 英英释义



1. allow or plan for a certain possibility
    concede the truth or validity of something

    e.g. I allow for this possibility
           The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash

    Synonym: take into account

2. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

    e.g. I will earmark this money for your research
           She sets aside time for meditation every day

    Synonym: appropriateearmarkset asidereserve

3. consent to, give permission

    e.g. She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband
           I won''t let the police search her basement
           I cannot allow you to see your exam

    Synonym: permitletcountenance

4. allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting

    e.g. We don''t allow dogs here
           Children are not permitted beyond this point
           We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital

    Synonym: permittolerate

5. let have

    e.g. grant permission
           Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison

    Synonym: grant

6. grant as a discount or in exchange

    e.g. The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera

7. make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen

    e.g. This permits the water to rush in
           This sealed door won''t allow the water come into the basement
           This will permit the rain to run off

    Synonym: letpermit

8. allow the other (baseball) team to score

    e.g. give up a run

    Synonym: give up

9. make a possibility or provide opportunity for
    permit to be attainable or cause to remain

    e.g. This leaves no room for improvement
           The evidence allows only one conclusion
           allow for mistakes
           leave lots of time for the trip
           This procedure provides for lots of leeway

    Synonym: leaveallow forprovide

10. afford possibility

    e.g. This problem admits of no solution
           This short story allows of several different interpretations

    Synonym: admit

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