公共查询英语单词大全all right是什么意思

all right是什么意思 all right在线翻译 all right什么意思 all right的意思 all right的翻译 all right的解释 all right的发音 all right的同义词

all right [ɔ:l rait]  [ɔl raɪt] 

all right 基本解释

尚可; (确保对方同意或理解)如何; 可允许(的); 正确的

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all right 相关例句


1. He mended my TV set all right.

2. She''s ill all right.


1. Your answer is all right.

2. Ring me this evening.

3. She was ill for a month, but she''s all right now.

all right 情景对话


A:Has our material been all right ?

B:I‘m afraid not .

A:Maybe you should order a little better quality

B:Yes, we might have to do that .

Signing a Lease-(签合约)

B:Hi, John.

A:Oh, hi, Mary, come on in. Any problem?

B:Oh, no problem.

A:Great. I forgot to ask you, though. How long did you want the place?
      很好。 还有忘了问你,你想租多久?

all right的意思

B:Six months.

A:Oh, well, that might be a problem. I usually only sign one year leases.

B:Well, one year would be fine, too. I’m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon.

A:Well, if it’s not a problem. Then here you go.

B:Just let me look at it quickly.

all right的翻译

A:Of course.

B:Looks like a standard lease.

A:Yeah, and don’t worry about the security deposit. If everything’s all right when you move out, you’ll get it back.

all right的解释

B:O.K. Great. Just sign and date it here?

A:Yes. Thanks. You can move your stuff in tomorrow.




A:Good morning, madam.

B:Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.


A:Yes, madam. What style do you want?

B:I''d like to try a new hair-style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?

A:Sure. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hair style, shoulder-length hair style,hair done in a bun. Please have a look at them, madam.

B:Thanks. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray,please.

A:Yes, madam.

B:Oh, your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?

A:Sorry, madam. I''ll adjust it right away.Is that all right now?

all right的近义词

B:Yes, thank.

A:Please have a look.

B:Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.

A:All right, madam. And would you like a manicure?

B:Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please.

all right 网络解释

1. 好极了:***普雷斯利与吉他手斯科蒂-穆尔(ScottyMoore)和贝司手比尔-布莱克(BillBlack)合作录制的阿瑟•克鲁杜皮茨(ArthurCrudupiz)演唱的歌曲<<好极了>>(All Right)最终成为太阳唱片公司为普雷斯利发行的第张单曲唱片.

2. 好吧:Want it?|你要这个? | All right.|好吧 | Give me that.|手电筒给我

3. 令人满意的;可以:as to 至于,关于 | all right 令人满意的;可以 | as well 同样,也,还

4. 行:All right.|好的 | All right.|行 | Doc, this is Brother Cavil. This is our team doctor.|医生,这是卡维尔牧师 这是我们组的医生

all right 词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 alright

1. 令人满意的;可接受的
    If you say that someone or something is all right, you mean that you find them satisfactory or acceptable.

    e.g. Is it all right with you if we go now?...
    e.g. ''How was school?'' — ''It was all right.''

2. 令人满意地;可接受地
    If you say that something happens or goes all right, you mean that it happens in a satisfactory or acceptable manner.

    e.g. Things have thankfully worked out all right...
    e.g. ''Can you walk all right?'' the nurse asked him.

3. 安全健康(的);平安无恙(的)
    If someone or something is all right, they are well or safe.

    e.g. All she''s worried about is whether he is all right...
    e.g. Are you feeling all right now?

4. 确实;的确
    If you say that something is true all right or something will happen all right, you are emphasizing that there is no doubt that it is true or that it will happen.


    e.g. It''s an isolated spot all right...
    e.g. It looks like water down there all right...

5. 行;可以
    You say ''all right'' when you are agreeing to something.

    e.g. ''I think you should go now.'' — ''All right.''...
    e.g. ''I''ll explain later.'' — ''All right then.''

6. 懂吗?;清楚吗?;好吗?
    You say ''all right?'' after you have given an instruction or explanation to someone when you are checking that they have understood what you have just said, or checking that they agree with or accept what you have just said.

    e.g. Peter, you get half the fees. All right?...
    e.g. I''ll see you tomorrow, all right?...

7. 就这样吧,那么(表示想结束一项活动,开始另一活动)
    If someone in a position of authority says ''all right'', and suggests talking about or doing something else, they are indicating that they want you to end one activity and start another.

all right

    e.g. All right, Bob. You can go now...
    e.g. All right, boys and girls, let''s meet again next week.

8. 好吧(在讨论中用以表示理解对方的话并引入相关的话)
    You say ''all right'' during a discussion to show that you understand something that someone has just said, and to introduce a statement that relates to it.

all right的反义词

    e.g. ''I''m a bit busy now.'' — ''All right, why don''t I come back later?''

9. 唉,喂(表示责难或威胁某人)
    You say all right before a statement or question to indicate that you are challenging or threatening someone.

    e.g. All right, who are you and what are you doing in my office?...
    e.g. All right, let''s stop playing games. Hand over the goods right now.

all right 英英释义


1. being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition

    e.g. an all-right movie
           the passengers were shaken up but are all right
           is everything all right?
           everything''s fine
           things are okay
           dinner and the movies had been fine
           another minute I''d have been fine

    Synonym: fineo.k.okokayhunky-dory



1. in a satisfactory or adequate manner
    (`alright'' is a nonstandard variant of `all right'')

    e.g. she''ll do okay on her own
           held up all right under pressure

    Synonym: okayO.K.alright

2. an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence

    Synonym: very wellfinealrightOK

3. without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion)

    e.g. it''s expensive all right

    Synonym: alright

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