名词加速器; 催速剂
1. 加速:在今年5月发表时脉高达4.7GHz的Power 6晶片,一直为竞争者批评走回头路的IBM终於在日(26)昨提出抗辩,表示提高时脉一向为拉抬效能最有效的方式,而更重要的是,面临越来越多频繁的应用在商业运算中出现,该公司也打算增加晶片里面的加速(accelerator)的数量和内容,以确
2. 快捷键:我们加上键盘快捷键(accelerator)和引入滑鼠事件到 CannonField. 我们放置了一个环绕 CannonField 的外框,并加上一个障碍(墙),使游戏更具挑战性.
3. 油门:又在自动波(automatic)车上,同踏油门和刹掣叫作kick down,正如小双所讲,现在不少自动波车也会自动使降低波,帮助减速. 但是还是漏了解释Double Clutch,Double是指油门(accelerator)和刹掣(brake)同踏,连同Clutch(离合器)也要一齐踏,所以只能在手波(manual)车上使用.
1. (汽车等的)加速装置,油门
The accelerator in a car or other vehicle is the pedal which you press with your foot in order to make the vehicle go faster.
e.g. He eased his foot off the accelerator.
1. a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
Synonym: throttlethrottle valve
2. a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles
Synonym: particle acceleratoratom smasher
3. a pedal that controls the throttle valve
e.g. he stepped on the gas
Synonym: accelerator pedalgas pedalgasthrottlegun
4. (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected
Synonym: catalyst