
Violators是什么意思 Violators在线翻译 Violators什么意思 Violators的意思 Violators的翻译 Violators的解释 Violators的发音 Violators的同义词


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Violators 网络解释

1. Violators的反义词

1. 制裁者:Vindicators辩护者 | Violators制裁者C | Violet Talons紫罗兰之爪

Violators 双语例句

1. To improve operations and management, to raise the quality of service, to listen to the criticisms and suggestions by tourists, and to investigate and handle violators of rules and regulations by personnel of their own units; and

2. Most of us tend to become violators when we feel we can get away with it.

3. Systems have become more sophisticated in balancing social and economic benefits of violators''activities against harm of offences.

4. No Trespassing!! Violators will be shot, Survivors will be shot again!!

5. China is considered one of the world''s worst violators of intellectual copyrights.

6. Loyal to the highest constituted power in the land, actuated by an innate love of rectitude his aims would be the strict maintenance of public order, the repression of many abuses though not of all simultaneously (every measure of reform or retrenchment being a preliminary solution to be contained by fluxion in the final solution), the upholding of the letter of the law (common, statute and law merchant) against all traversers in covin and trespassers acting in contravention of bylaws and regulations, all resuscitators (by trespass and petty larceny of kindlings) of venville rights, obsolete by desuetude, all orotund instigators of international persecution, all perpetuators of international animosities, all menial molestors of domestic conviviality, all recalcitrant violators of domestic connubiality.

7. Violators是什么意思

7. The results show that during 1993 and 1996, state unites and collective organizations are the dominating violators. During 1998 and 2002, illegal occupation is the primary illegal behaviors, and illegal attornment is the important component.

8. Violators什么意思

8. You have the right to sue FCRA violators for monetary damages if they''re found to be in violation of the FCRA.
    你有权起诉FCRA违法的赔偿金,如果他们被发现违反了FCRA 。

9. Independently investigating existing or potential violators and violations, and when necessary, hiring professionals to do so

10. Violators的翻译

10. General Counsel''s charge and NLRB''s adjudication against violators can be considered as state''s intervention into labor-management relationship. Their actions responding unfair practice protect employee from being abused.

11. Another listed conditions designed to keep human rights violators off the council.

12. Violators的翻译

12. First, it`s difficult to crack down on violators.


13. Both Li and Wei called for better law enforcement, and warned violators that they face the full force of the law.

14. Serious violators shall be ordered by the PARM government to cease production in addition to the penalty fine.

15. Violators的近义词

15. But since the organization had no enforcement powers, it could and can not impose sanctio on violators.

16. Waterway transportation service enterprises, which consign for shipment or carry others''cargo in the name of their own enterprises to gain price differences in violation of Article 43 shall be given a disciplinary warning and be imposed a fine of one to three times their illegal earnings, but the fine shall not exceed 50, 000 yuan, Those who act presumptuously as agent shall be given a disciplinary warning and be imposed a fine of not less than 1, 000 to not more than 5, 000 yuan, and the violators who provide service for illegal operators shall be given a disciplinary warning or be imposed a fine of not less than 1, 000 to not more than 10, 000 yuan.

17. Violators

17. Inspection reports show that the state instead encourages violators to reduce the number of dogs to a more manageable level or below the threshold of regulation.

18. Finally, when the regulated industry is very sensitive to adverse publicity, the agency can threaten disclosure to induce compliance, or use press coverage as a sanct to punish violators for past offenses.

19. 公共查询·英语单词大全

19. We should take ~s against the violators of the Contract.

20. Is North Korea again one of the worst violators of human rights in 2008?

Violators 单语例句

1. Subsequently, an action plan can be worked out to punish violators of agreements and rules.

2. Tong added that the SARFT will issue warnings for cinemas that do not submit actual box office revenue and revoke licenses for " serious " violators.

3. There used to be the practice of punishing traffic rule violators by getting them to stand at crossroads and catch other rule violators.

4. The violators were mostly chemical and metallurgy plants, construction companies and restaurants.

5. The revised law also specifies in what situations violators should be held to civil or criminal liability.

6. Copyright and patent law violators now face longer jail terms and higher fines, making it financially impossible for them to commit such crimes again.

7. Without being pressured by a kind of complementary punishment, these violators may feel proud of a supposed superiority based on their wealth.

8. The administrative law enforcement officials can decide on either applying administrative penalties on violators or referring cases of gross violation to relevant judicial bodies.

9. The key amendments include ensuring website operators " establish a sound security system " and the introduction of " serious punishments for violators of computer information systems ".

10. Pan initially called for institutional strengths to curb pollution and confessed that crackdowns on violators have been short of the public''s expectations.

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