
Tel是什么意思 Tel在线翻译 Tel什么意思 Tel的意思 Tel的翻译 Tel的解释 Tel的发音 Tel的同义词 Tel的反义词 Tel的例句 Tel的相关词组


Tel 基本解释

telephone 电话;遥测组件;


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Tel 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 电话号码:在名字的下方写下你的联系地址,出生日期(DOB),传真号码(Fax)最重要的是,你的电话号码(Tel). 这样的话,十有八九你所申请的公司会通过电话联系你,确定对你进行面试. 具体格式如下:

2. 联系电话:没户配备尖端智能控制魔盒;每层设高级行政专用洗手间,直饮水系统;公共商务秘书,国际视频会议中心,主题餐饮,雪茄酒吧.租售方式(Method of leasing and purchasing): 闪闪房产网代理(33FANG website agency) 联系电话(tel): 86-021-

3. 手机:本店还有以下热卖产品: ★镇店之宝---灭蚊灯BW-3(推荐等级★★★★★)★ 环保型家庭装灭蚊灯(推荐等级★★★★)★ 高质量环保型灭蝇器(推荐等级★★★★) 更多产品,请直接点店铺地址 http://bb520bb.taobao.com 手机(Tel):13927210574(郑

4. 公共查询·英语单词

4. tel:telephone; 电话

5. tel:tokyo electron; 东京电子

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. tel:tetra ethyl lead; 四乙基铅

7. tel:terminal executive language; 终端执行语言

Tel 双语例句

1. Tel的意思

1. Then on tat day i went bac 2 college, tel samantha n rivon.

2. Restaurant 2 分店2: Holiday Inn Lido Beijing, Third Floor, Jiangtai Road. Beijing 10004
    丽都分店,北京丽都假日饭店三层北京首都机场将台东路,Tel 87036668,

3. B For inspection of the above items, please contact Ms KWOK at Tel.25956035 or Ms.
    b 如要检视上述物品,请预先致电 2595 6035 与郭小姐或2595 5006与秦小姐预约。

4. I know that no one will anderstand what i am saying what is the child for me in this article i am pragnent in the last of the seven monthes and starting in eight i will name her cielo what is this that i am trying to tel all i know that i am silvia jesus he is in me and i am in him as one god one tree in heaven and the sky4:55pm inthe 40f us silvia iddio trinita and cielo that is going to born febrowar.

5. Union of Danish Art Museums: Nr. Madsbadvej 6, 7884 Fur, tel. 97-59-35-66; f.1978; Chair.- Nina Damsgaard.

6. Tel


7. 公共查询·英语单词

7. Wire and cable supply Beijing Tel welcome to order?

8. Bidding Documents are available at China International Tendering Company (Room 510, Tel: 68404589) between 08:30-11:30 a. m. and
    有兴趣的投标人可在中技国际招标公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件,并从2004年7月27日起每天上午08:30至 11:30,下午13:30-16:30在中技国际招标公司(久凌大厦北楼510室,电话:68404589)购买招标文件。

9. Tel什么意思

9. Address: Beijing Fengtai District, Beijing opened Yuquanying Chengnan 50 Mima building materials home on the 6th floor, Tel:010-83690500 Contact: YANG Wen-bo

10. Dongguan Tai Feng Aluminum Co., Ltd. Tel:0769 contact contact letter-85415911 Fax:0769-85415530 Linkman:contact Tel: 13580994853 Address: Dongguan mayor anzhen Ha Village strokes of the cane to Hengli industrial building my business scope: all kinds of specifications models of pure aluminum sheet, aluminum foil, aluminum roll, alloy plate, aluminum plate, aluminum curtain wall, ceiling plate, tread plate and sheet and other imports.
    东莞市泰峰铝业有限公司联络函联系电话:0769-85415911 传真电话:0769-85415530联系人:王志顺联系电话:13580994853地址:东莞市长安镇厦边村大板地恒力工业大厦我公司经营范围:各种规格型号纯铝板、铝箔、铝卷、合金板、铝垫板、幕墙铝板、天花铝板、花纹铝板及进口铝板等。

11. Xxx/boss /. If formally conveyed to the use of space on the site required to be registered, please contact us (Tel number is - 81991660 QQ: 65961930), and you use the domain name tell us to give to your license.
      要是正式使用传到网站空间上需要注册,请跟我们联系(Tel:010-81991660 QQ:65961930),把你使用的域名告知我们,好给你注册码。

12. The company is the customer places the credibility of God''s existence --------- based on product quality when customers make money as the goal, the company''s products is absolutely to ensure product quality, if you have any do not understand, what is not clear, and can pick up your phone call to understand, or increase customer service QQ Consulting ----- Tel: 1385972348 ---- QQ: 978876134 ---- Virunga technology, achievement of your dreams!
      本公司以信誉生存---以客户位上帝---以产品质量当基础---让顾客赚钱为目标,本公司产品绝对保证产品质量,如果你有什么不了解的,有什么不清楚的,可以拿起你的电话来电了解,或者加客服QQ咨询-----电话:13859 72 3 48----QQ:9788 761 34----维龙科技,成就你的梦想!

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. Fi nal l y, perhaps the most suscepti bl e vi ewers are chi l dren, who may be unabl e to tel l fact from fi cti on and may try to i mi tate acts that they see on TV or i n the movi es.

14. Tel

14. Tel Aviv means the hill of Spring, by the way.

15. These l egends are useful because they can tel l us somethi ng about mi grati ons of peopl e who l i ved l ong ago, but none coul d wri te down what they di d.
      这些传说有用,因为它们能告诉我们一些人迁徙之事。这些人生活在远古,但没人能记录他们的所作所为。none 可指可数名词,亦可指不可数名词。指前者时动词用单数或复数,指后者时动词用单数。

16. Teaching Materials Textbook: Hung-Chang Chiu and Yi-Ching Hsieh (2007), Services Marketing and Management, Yeh Yeh Book Gallery (Tel: 02-2368-4198), Taipei, Taiwan.
      教材 教科书:丘宏昌、谢依静,「服务行销与管理」,双叶书廊(Tel:02-2368-4198),台北,民国96出版。

17. Successful TEL:(86)-0512-5717 -8579 (8571) FAX:(86)-051257178580 precision stamping die design, manufacture and precision stamping parts production.


18. Thus, though i give you my Tel.

19. 公共查询·英语单词

19. I have no chance and no condition to study it, and the letters to you are translated by others. Thus, though i give you my Tel.

20. If you are interested in the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with my colleague Yark He Tel:+862124051404 or email: Yark.
      如果您对上述活动有兴趣,请与我的同事何锴 Yark He 联系电话:+86 21 2405 1404 or 邮箱:Yark。

Tel 单语例句


1. And could they have mysteriously disappeared for 20 years, only to turn up by chance in a Tel Aviv laboratory?

2. Suspicions have also clouded two other real estate deals Olmert transacted in Jerusalem and in a trendy Tel Aviv neighborhood.

3. Obese children stand a greater risk of contracting cancer in adulthood, according to a newly released study by Tel Aviv University''s Medical School.

4. The Israeli companies announced the deal in a statement to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

5. Tel Aviv is just like Sanya in Hainan with its wonderful beaches, while Jerusalem is so densely green that it is like any city in southern China.

6. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the 19 passengers and crew had been taken to an Interior Ministry holding facility near Tel Aviv pending deportation.

7. In the hip bastions of Tel Aviv, the shame of evading the army has all but disappeared.

8. The bomb attack in Tel Aviv on Sunday highlights the futility of the wall, which was even condemned by Israel''s supreme court last month.

9. Small groups of demonstrators across the country began marches to Tel Aviv on Tuesday ahead of the rally.

10. She was identified only as Anat, a resident of Tel Aviv.

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