
Stoicism是什么意思 Stoicism在线翻译 Stoicism什么意思 Stoicism的意思 Stoicism的翻译 Stoicism的解释 Stoicism的发音 Stoicism的同义词

Stoicism [ˈstəuisizəm]  [ˈstoɪˌsɪzəm] 

Stoicism 基本解释

名词斯多葛派哲学; 坚忍,恬淡寡欲

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Stoicism 网络解释

1. Stoicism的反义词

1. 斯多噶派:② 斯多噶派(Stoicism)是希腊人芝诺(Zeno)所创的禁欲主义学派,提倡禁欲和坚忍的精神. --译者② 见密尔顿著<<失乐园>>(Paradise Lost)卷二. ① 神人相似论(Anthropomorphism)通常译作神人同形论,或神人同性论,或 神人同形同性论,

2. 斯多亚主义:新柏拉图主义结合了亚理士多德的逻辑学与斯多亚主义(stoicism)的伦理学的思想. 它是一种哲学宗教,强调宇宙的根源是一而非众数,而这[太一]便是绝对自在自主的超越者-一上帝. 他们认为上帝是不变和不动的,并不能创造万物.

3. 司脫葛主義:道家强调必须根据自然本性来生活,在这方面,他们的教条可比西方的司脱葛主义(Stoicism). 道家强调不起情绪和纷争-内在平静,又可以和伊比鸠主义(Epicureanism)相比. 道家--最重要的是老子、庄子--强调外貌本身的不可信,外观背后的实存世界,

4. 禁欲主义:stodge 贪食者 | stoicism 禁欲主义 | stooge 伪装受试者

Stoicism 双语例句

1. Stoicism在线翻译

1. They thus prepared the way for Christianity, which, like Stoicism, was originally unpolitical, since, during its first three centuries, its adherents were devoid of influence on government.

2. Stoicism的近义词

2. Pierre Hadot thinks that Foucault attributes an anachronistically modern notion of the self to Greek and Roman Stoicism.

3. The Mediation should be considered afresh as well. It provides a new foundation for ontology by absorbing the consideration of Stoicism in the concept of time which is totally different to Plato and Aristotle, and the reality of being is practice, from this point, it takes the relation of human being and universe as the relation of part and whole, and then the determination of being has also been able to expand on this foundation.

4. Stoicism什么意思

4. Stoicism, school of philosophy, founded in ancient Greece, opposed to Epicureanism in its views of life and duty.

5. Stoicism的意思

5. Modern scholarship now attributes the book to the 3rd century BC, at a time when the Jews were under the influence of various Greek philosophic systems, such as Epicureanism and Stoicism.

6. Stoicism的意思

6. Unlike Epicurianism, stoicism holds that people are supremely reasonable and that happiness is the result of virtue, honor and conformity to the way of the world.

7. Although he praised United`s stoicism the Chelsea boss felt that there was an element of luck about Darren Fletcher`s headed winner.

8. The Stoicism''s mind such as natural law、individualism、cosmopolitism and equal conception is one of the main sources of western political culture, we should take the ideological heritage seriously.

9. Stoicism

9. Know that if that hasn''t worked, or you would like to put your stoicism to the test, just go out and try doing whatever you want to do.

10. Heaven grant that his icy stoicism was the paltry affectation of a vain man, rather than the utter heartlessness which Robert thought it.

11. Platonism, Stoicism and Paul''s theory about salvation by faith, are the main thought source of Christian universalism.


12. They bore their plight with stoicism and fortitude.

13. Whilst prone to make a great ado about little hurts, these men bear intense suffering and privation with magnificent stoicism.

14. Stoicism什么意思

14. Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism

15. All that really remained was a stub Born stoicism: and in that there was a certain pleasure.

16. Stoicism was a philosophical movement which was the most important and influential in Hellenistic time.

17. A16th-century humanist who sought to reconcile Christianity and Stoicism, Lipsius betokens learning and integrity.

18. Stoicism在线翻译

18. Because of the coexistence not only of these two vital roles but also the Stoicism and the Calvinism, the theological thought has such characteristics as the contradiction of optimism and pessimism, rationality and nature.

19. Stoicism is one of three main philosophical schools in Hellenistic period, its cosmogony is distinctive in the whole western age.

20. Stoicism的解释

20. Pertaining to Stoicism or its followers.

Stoicism 词典解释

1. 坦然淡定;坚忍克己
    Stoicism is stoical behaviour.

    e.g. They bore their plight with stoicism and fortitude.

Stoicism 单语例句

1. Think of it as stoicism in the face of unwanted media avalanche.

2. The worst attack on London since World War II brought out a stoicism that recalled Britain under the blitz of the Nazi Luftwaffe.

3. Some doctors believe the stigma of mental illness is magnified in a profession that prides itself on stoicism and bravado.

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