
state [steɪt]  [stet] 


state 基本解释

名词国家; 州; 状况,情况; 资格

及物动词规定; 陈述,声明

形容词国家的; 国务的,公务的; 正式的


state 相关词组

1. in state : 正式地, 庄重地;

2. in a state of nature : 处于原始状态;

3. lie in state : 埋葬前任人吊唁;

state 相关例句


1. The witness stated that she had never seen Mr.Smith.


1. state在线翻译

1. He was in quite a state about the matter.

2. 公共查询·英语单词

2. The number of the House from each state is determined by the population of the state.

3. state的近义词

3. In China, the railways are owned by the state.

4. The vice president is in a state of poor health.

state 情景对话



A:Wow, this is the famous Empire State Building.

B:It’s huge.

A:Would you like to go to the top?

B:Yes, of course.

A:The view is breathtaking.


B:It makes me dizzy.



A:The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing.
      - 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。


B:Please state your opinions about packing.


A:All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.

Apply for a school-(申请学校)

A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.

B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?


A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?


B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.

A:Which is better?

B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.

A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.

B:Yeah, sometimes.

state 网络解释

1. 省:然后,重头戏来了:先对大省(STATE)进行评估,影响因素有:1,生活条件;2,是否产硫磺,丝绸,还有所有能吃的东西;3,GOLD GOLD GOLD!贵金属对人群的吸引真是太高了!4,省份编号,算法不明. 5,远近距离,自然是近的好. 6,北美洲对LR们有很强的吸引力.

2. 州:以及邮政编码(zip code)邮编 城市(city) 州(state)英文名字分两部分,名(first name)和姓(last name),顺序和我们中国人的习惯相反,名在前,姓在后,如jim green,jim是名,green是姓男孩名字 (MALE) 女孩名字 (FEMALE)邮编 城市(city) 州(state)男孩名字 (MAL


3. state:s; 状态

state 词典解释

1. (尤用于讨论政治事务时)国家
    You can refer to countries as states, particularly when you are discussing politics.

    e.g. Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican...
    e.g. Some weeks ago I recommended to EU member states that we should have discussions with the Americans.

2. (美国等大国的)州
    Some large countries such as the USA are divided into smaller areas called states .

    e.g. Leaders of the Southern states are meeting in Louisville.

3. 美国
    The USA is sometimes referred to as the States .

4. 政府;国家
    You can refer to the government of a country as the state .


    e.g. The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure...
    e.g. Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones.

5. 国有的;国家的
    State industries or organizations are financed and organized by the government rather than private companies.

    e.g. ...reform of the state social-security system.

6. 国事的;国事礼仪的
    A state occasion is a formal one involving the head of a country.

    e.g. ...the Queen''s three-day state visit to France.
           女王对法国为期 3 天的国事访问

7. 状况;状态;情况
    When you talk about the state of someone or something, you are referring to the condition they are in or what they are like at a particular time.


    e.g. For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression...
    e.g. When we moved here the walls and ceiling were in an awful state...

8. (以口头或书面形式正式或明确地)声称,宣称,声明
    If you state something, you say or write it in a formal or definite way.


    e.g. Clearly state your address and telephone number...
    e.g. The police report stated that he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife...

9. see also: head of state;nation state;police state;welfare state

10. (因精神或健康状态不佳而)不适宜(做某事)
    If you say that someone is not in a fit state to do something, you mean that they are too upset or ill to do it.


    e.g. When you left our place, you weren''t in a fit state to drive.

11. 不快;紧张;焦虑;惊慌
      If you are in a state or if you get into a state, you are very upset or nervous about something.

      e.g. I was in a terrible state because nobody could understand why I had this illness...
      e.g. People will work themselves up into a state about anything.

12. (重要人物的遗体)停放供瞻仰
      If the dead body of an important person lies in state, it is publicly displayed for a few days before it is buried.

state 英英释义


1. the way something is with respect to its main attributes

    e.g. the current state of knowledge
           his state of health
           in a weak financial state

2. a politically organized body of people under a single government

    e.g. the state has elected a new president
           African nations
           students who had come to the nation''s capitol
           the country''s largest manufacturer
           an industrialized land

    Synonym: nationcountrylandcommonwealthres publicabody politic

3. the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state

    e.g. the state has lowered its income tax

4. the territory occupied by a nation

    e.g. he returned to the land of his birth
           he visited several European countries

    Synonym: countryland

5. the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation

    e.g. his state is in the deep south

    Synonym: province

6. a state of depression or agitation

    e.g. he was in such a state you just couldn''t reason with him

7. (chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container)

    e.g. the solid state of water is called ice

    Synonym: state of matter


1. put before

    e.g. I submit to you that the accused is guilty

    Synonym: submitput forwardposit

2. express in words

    e.g. He said that he wanted to marry her
           tell me what is bothering you
           state your opinion
           state your name

    Synonym: saytell

3. indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.

    e.g. Can you express this distance in kilometers?

    Synonym: express

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