
Solanum melongena

Solanum melongena 双语例句

1. Effects of low temperature stress on chlorophyll fluorescence of eggplant( Solanum melongena L.

2. Physiological responses of Solanum nigrum L and Solanum melongena L seedlings to Cadmium stress were investigated by nutrient solution culture.

3. Solanum melongena的反义词

3. The extraction of alkaloids from the stem of Solanum melongena Linn.

4. With the method of assessing individuals and bulked line analysis, the AFLP technique of DNA analysis was employed to screen the markers linked to gene of interest among 136 accessions including 130 Solanum melongena and 6 relatives.

5. The obvious heterosis was shown in eggplant(Solanum melongena L.). Production of hybrid seeds using male-sterility as female parent was a very important way in application of eggplant heterosis.

6. The effects of low irradiance on chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics were studied in two eggplant Solanum melongena L.
    根据快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力学原理,选用耐弱光茄子品种99-8和不耐弱光茄子品种黑又亮作试材,进行遮光(光照强度相当于自然光照的40%)15 d、未遮光15 d、遮光30 d和未遮光30 d 4个处理,用JIP-测定法对不同耐弱光性品种在不同光照条件下的叶绿素荧光特性进行研究。

7. The effects of high temperature stress on heat injury index, recovery index, electrolytic leakage, proline and soluble sugar content in eggplant (Solanum melongena) seedling of 14 varieties were investigated.

8. The efficient Genomic DNA extraction of eggplant (Solanum melongena) and its wild relatives and RAPD analysis were preliminarily studied.

9. Solanum melongena是什么意思

9. Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration from Cotyledon in Two Cultivars of Solanum melongena

10. In-Vitro Anther Culture and Haploid Breeding of Solanum melongena

11. danci.edu.pub

11. Analysis of Karyotype of Solanum melongena

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