

SAC 基本解释

abbr.senior aircraft(s)man 英>皇家空军一等兵

SAC 网络解释

1. SAC

1. 中国:ISO第26届技术管理局(TMB)会议日前在日内瓦召开,来自法国(ANSI)、英国(BSI)、德国(DIN)、丹麦(DS)、马来西亚(DSM)、日本(JISC)、荷兰(NFN)、中国(SAC)、新西兰(SNZ)、意大利(UNI)、澳大利亚(SAI)等国的TMB成员参加了会议.会议的主要内容包括:


2. 囊:在胚胎发育时,包囊(Sac)叫做processus vaginalis后来部分萎缩,该部分形成tunica vaginalis,让睾丸下降到阴囊,大约有50%的婴儿,这睾丸下降的通道没有关闭.

3. SAC的近义词

3. 服务访问控制器:服务访问控制器(SAC)可提供专有协议堆栈接口. SAC通过应用子系统内的多个实体提供了一个单独的协议堆栈接入点. 服务访问层(SAL)和数据链路(DL)层用于支持逻辑通信在通信子系统中的发送和接受.

4. 科学咨询委员会:之后我们将把分析和结果转交给我们的GP-B 科学咨询委员会(SAC), 他们会严密监测我们的实验方法、数据分析程序,并获得它的独立回顾. 另外, 我们也将从一定数量的国际专家来去做独立回顾.

5. sac.:sacrifice; 牺牲品

6. sac:sulpho-aluminous cement; 硫铝酸盐水泥

7. SAC的意思

7. sac:the securities association of china; 中国证券业协会

8. sac:spectral-amplitude-coding; 光谱幅度编码

9. sac:sound absorption coefficient; 吸音系数

SAC 双语例句

1. SAC是什么意思

1. B Mode Ultrasonography was used to measure the diameter of the gestational sac, the days of stopping menstruation minusing menstrual cycle are considered to be X changing automaticaly, the diameter of the gestational sac as Y changing based on X, with X and Y, make tropic equations.
    108例月经周期较规律的妇女根据月经周期分为A组(20~27 d)、B组(28~30 d)、C组(31~40 d)3组,采用B超检测孕囊直径,以停经天数与月经周期之差作为自变量X,孕囊直径作为应变量Y,作回归方程,分析3组孕囊大小与停经天数及月经周期的关系。

2. The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm.

3. Thank Mr. smLuLU reply my question, this cat is different, he likes to go out with his drother -a golden retriver, when we go out together, he is so happy, if the neiborhood won''t mind, I would like to bring them take a walk everyday(just in the cul-de-sac will be safely), of course the dog will be on leash and I will be careful, thank you!
    Mr.smjlulu:可否请较一下,我数月前收养一只社区流浪猫,他喜欢白天出去社区玩,晚上才回来住在我家玄关,如果我带他去加拿大住在single house的社区,他还是一样白天喜欢出去社区逛逛,会不会让邻居不高兴或告我?

4. The results showed with the fruit ripening granulation index rose; semicellulose content of granulated juicy sac decreased first and then increased, while semicellulose content of non-granulated juicy sac reduced; the cellulose content of granulated juicy sac rose, while cellulose content of non-granulated juicy sac decreased first, and then rose to the top, and then reduced; and protopectin content reduced.

5. Synergid cells Two haploid cells located near the egg cell at the micropylar end of the embryo sac in flowering plants.

6. Egg apparatus The three haploid nuclei that are situated at the micropylar end of the embryo sac in most flowering plants. The central nucleus is the female gamete and those to either side of it are called the synergids.

7. Objective To explore the toxic mechanism of cadmium by the research of microstructure and ultrastructure of Mytilus Edulis digest blind sac organization.
    目的 对紫贻贝消化盲囊组织的显微及亚显微的结构进行观察研究以进一步探索紫贻贝镉中毒的机理。

8. Biology An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. Also called air bladder, air vesicle
    气囊:水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构也作 air bladder ,air vesicle

9. SAC的意思

9. But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sac***fices God is well pleased.
    13:16 只是不可忘记行善,和捐输的事。因为这样的祭,是神所喜悦的。

10. Then the king and all the people offered sac***fices before the LORD.
    7:4 王和众民在***面前献祭。

11. But in those sac***fices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
      10:3 但这些祭物是叫人每年想起罪来。

12. SAC

12. And every p***est standeth daily ministe***ng and offe***ng oftentimes the same sac***fices, which can never take away sins
      10:11 凡祭司天天站着事奉神,履次献上一样的祭物。这祭物永不能除罪。

13. SAC的翻译

13. Objective:To study the cellular proliferating activity of the endolymphatic sac.

14. Objective To study the cell proliferation in endolymphatic sac during the secondary immune response in inner ear.
      目的 研究和评价内耳二次免疫应答过程中内淋巴囊的细胞增殖情况。

15. Objective To observe the normal ultrastructure of the endolymphatic duct and sac in the guinea pig.
      目的 探讨豚鼠内淋巴管和内淋巴囊的表面超微结构特点。

16. Sac filled with serous fluid that encloses the heart and the roots of the aorta and other large blood vessels.

17. SAC

17. Results 52 cases of no embryo sac within the uterine cavity.

18. Thefertilization of eggs in large embryo sac may result in the embryo far from forming.

19. SAC的反义词

19. In conclusion, both limitation delay studies of [Ca2+]cyt in embryo sac during fertilization.

20. SAC的反义词

20. In the mature embryo sac there only egg cell containsstarch grains.

SAC 词典解释

1. (动物体内的)囊,液囊,气囊
    A sac is a small part of an animal''s body, shaped like a little bag. It contains air, liquid, or some other substance.

    e.g. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.

SAC 单语例句

1. In case the sac is scratched, it will take at least several hours for the airship to land.

2. When An An and Xin Xin were born in April this year, they were connected by the liver and a sac surrounding the heart.

3. Cohen''s SAC Capital International rose 13 percent last year, according to a person briefed on the returns.

4. SAC vehemently denied the allegations, and a New York judge sent the case to private arbitration.

5. HSBC''s private bank facilitates more than $ 500 million of SAC investments across both businesses, the person said.

6. Emerson Climate Technologies assisted the SAC and Chinese National Institution of Standardization to promote energy efficiency and public awareness of energy labels.

7. Cessna and SAC started cooperation in developing and producing the plane in November 2007.

8. Her wish was widely supported and welcomed by media and fans, but the SAC''s Internet statement seemingly ruled out the possibility.

9. SAC called for the development of digital broadcasting standards in 2001 and the standard developed by the two universities were shortlisted.

10. Once the egg is ready, workers inject the viral strain into the embryo sac.

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