


Romans 基本解释

罗马书>;古罗马共和国或帝国的人( Roman的名词复数 );罗马市民;天主教教徒;


Romans 网络解释

1. 罗马书:新约-罗马书(Romans)上只说男和男行可羞耻的事,没说女和女怎么样,男女有别,LES可能是被接受的吧至於傅科,则从其知识考古学(Archaeology)和系谱学(Genealogy)研究中,暴露「思维主体」「中心结构」「本质主旨」等理论的游戏成分,

2. 罗马人:罗马人(Romans)在公元前201年击败迦太基人,公元前140年打败塞尔特人后,就掌控了葡萄牙中部及南部. 在罗马统治的六个世纪中,引进属于拉丁语系的葡萄牙语及风俗,也替基督教的引入打下基础. 公元469年,

3. Romans的近义词

3. 洛曼:罗马诺岬 Romano C. | 洛曼 Romans | 洛曼杭 Romanshorn

4. 罗马人 -选自王以欣<<神话>:Romania 罗马尼亚 | Romans 罗马人 -选自王以欣<神话>> | Roma 罗马-选自李维 穆译本

Romans 双语例句

1. The sacking of the Temple (pictured above in an 1867 painting by Francesco Hayez) was the biggest milestone, though not the only dramatic moment, in a series of military engagements between the Jews and Romans. These ranged from the conquests of Pompey, who about 130 years earlier had turned Judea into a vassal kingdom, to the final Jewish revolts that broke out at the start of the second century.

2. The sacking of the Temple (pictured above in an 1867 painting by Francesco Hayez) was the biggest milestone, though not the only dramatic moment, in a series of military engagements between the Jews and Romans.

3. When in Rome do as Romans do.

4. But perhaps do as the Romans do, they are very fond of salted duck.

5. Romans的意思

5. This dissertation has six chapters, and the structure is in the following: The first chapter is about the background of agriculture. This chapter analyzes the influence which nature makes to agriculture, and indicates Mediterranean climate and natural situation are favor of the growth and distribution of agriculture. And with the effect of Etruscans and the opinion of physiocracy, Romans inevitably attach importance to agriculture.

6. For the influence of other nations and the Italian advantaged climate and geography, the Romans always pursue the thought of physiocracy. This thought not only fosters Romans the character of diligence, adamancy and patriotism, but also promotes their bellicism for obtaining more lands to develop agriculture.

7. According to the writer of Romans 12:3, when we are Born-again, each of us is given the measure of faith.
    根据作家罗马书十二时03 ,当我们重生,我们每个人给出的措施信念。

8. He accepted as genuine only the Epistles to the Galatians, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and the Apocalypse.

9. Romans的翻译

9. The Romans rewarded champions of the games and celebrated military successes with palm tree branches.

10. The Romans believed it to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

11. Romans

11. Nor did the merits of the Achaeans or those of the Aetolians make the Romans permit them to increase any state of theirs; nor did the persuasions of Philip ever induce them to be his friends without putting him down; nor could the power of Antiochus make them consent to his holding any state in that province.
      在 这些事件中,罗马人的所作所为是英明的君王都应该采取的措施,因为他们不仅要顾及到眼前的困难,还要有高屋建瓴的目光;他们必须不惜一切手段避免灾难的发生,因为一个人高瞻远瞩,便可以很容易寻找到避灾禳祸的良方;但是,如果等到大难临头,已经到了无可救药的地步,再采取措施就为之晚矣。

12. We are here to aid our allies, those brave Romans, the Julii.

13. We are here to aid our allies, those noble Romans, the Brutii.

14. Romans 8 tells us what true spirituality involves.

15. Of the contribution made by the Romans in government, Roman law is one of the most significant.

16. While in Strasbourg, Calvin produced an influential commentary on the Book of Romans, oversaw the preparation of a liturgy and a psalm book that he would use later in Geneva, and married the widow Idelette de Bure.

17. In order to preserve their sacred records from the Romans and other profane groups, the Essenes hid such records in caves and crypts, and inside pottery jars especially made for this purpose.

18. Tomatoes and maize from the New World were unknown to the Romans but are now central to Italian cuisine.

19. The Romans numeral is 2, 824, 674 and that number is exactly what you''re talking about, Kyra. It''s the weak housing market.

20. The Romans, being a society founded by a strong militant arm, decided that the theater existing at the time was missing technical elements; something more mechanical.

Romans 单语例句

1. Romans were known to use diamond fragments set in iron as tools that were traded with China and used for carving jade or drilling pearls.

2. What happened was that when the Romans left, the local people demolished the Roman city and used the bricks to make the cathedral.

3. Despite her denials and the concerted effort by seismologists to calm nerves, some Romans are taking precautionary measures.

4. The Romans brought the cat cult to Europe and the first record of domestic cats in Britain dates from the first century.

5. Ancient Romans celebrated a holiday in honor of Cybele, a mother goddess.

6. Johns found Romero and Romans shot to death after the boy ran to a neighbor''s house.

7. It may have served as capital to ancient Romans and Ottomans, but that designation is long gone for Istanbul.

8. He has lived up to the dictum of " when in Rome, do as the Romans do ".

9. I realized my parents have a very " When in Rome, do as the Romans do " mentality.

10. King Solomon and his successors built Jewish temples there before the Romans razed the Second Temple in 70 AD and Jews scattered in exile.

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