1. Michelangelo
1. 米开兰基罗:未完成的雕像-<垂死的奴隶>>(The Dying Slave),米开兰基罗(Michelangelo)在1513-1515年为罗马教皇朱利亚二世(Julius II)的墓园所做. 从玻璃天窗映进午后的阳光,令雕像的线条倍觉明暗有致,米开兰基罗把大理石转变为活的素材,
2. 米开朗琪罗:西诺列里(Signoreli)的<反基督徒的历史>>――描写反基督徒临死前的各种形态,唯有人体解剖达到高水平才能画出;还有达.芬奇(Da Vinci)的<最后的晚餐>>;米开朗琪罗(Michelangelo)的<创造亚当>>;
3. 还有那个米开朗基罗 都蠢死了:Oh,oh,I know,with their pizza and pasta and...|哦 我知道 他们的匹萨 意大利面... | michelangelo.|还有那个米开朗基罗 都蠢死了 | But apparently not their herringbone.|但显然他们的人字呢不错
1. Giotto s work was a source of inspiration and instruction for generations of painters; it was studied and absorbed by Masaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, artists whose own work was to be of such fundamental importance for the history of European art.
Giotto的工作是启发和指示的来源画家的世代的;它由Masaccio、Leonardo Da Vinci、米开朗基罗和Raphael,自己的工作是欧洲艺术的历史的这样根本重要的艺术家学习并且吸收。
2. Michelangelo
2. Where state educational systems take the trouble to mention art, we are told to respect the old masters, not kitsch; and yet we go and hang Maxfield Parrish or his equivalent on our walls, instead of Rembrandt and Michelangelo.
3. For Michelangelo''s creativity to be released, it had to be aligned with this deeply held value.
4. Michelangelo的反义词
4. But now the 37-year-old artist is to take on the project that would surely have tantalized even the great Michelangelo.
5. Michelangelo
5. By 25, Michelangelo had completed what some call the world`s greatest sculpture, the Pieta.
6. At the age of 23, Michelangelo created his first masterpiece, the Pieta, which amazed everyone.
米开朗基罗 23 岁时创作出第一件杰作——《圣殇》,该作品令所有人惊艳不已。
7. You can not miss the Vatican Museum especially the Sistine Chapel which is one of the master pieces in the whole art history. The museum has works of art of painters during the Renaissant, including Botticelli, Fra Angelico and Michelangelo who painted for the ceiling.
8. Michelangelo的翻译
8. More than 400 years after his death, Michelangelo`s designs are still top sellers at tourist stands.
9. Michelangelo是什么意思
9. Alan Perlis said more succinct: Everybody is professor of how sculpture can be, and to Michelangelo, to teach But how can he not sculpture.
Alan Perlis说得更简洁:每个人都可以被教授如何雕塑;而对米开朗基罗来说,能教给他的倒是怎样能够不去雕塑。
10. 公共查询·英语单词
10. Michelangelo, while working, had to lie on his back and paint.
11. Therefore, Michelangelo starts with Donatello to do the odd- job together.
12. 公共查询·英语单词
12. By the knife, inch by inch, into a wonderful statue which will be placed among the glorious works of Michelangelo.
13. As time marches on, it may be marred by dust, worn out by whether, or broken into separate fragments, and it may be carefully, slowly carved by the knife, inch by inch, into a wonderful statue which will be placed among the glorious works of Michelangelo.
14. As time marches on, it may be marred by dust, worn out by weather, or broken into separate fragments, and it may be carefully, slowly carved by the knife, inch by inch, into a wonderful statue which will be placed among the glorious works of Michelangelo.
15. Michelangelo的翻译
15. Da Vinci''s width and depth, Michelangelo''s grandness, Raffaello''s grace and charm, as well as Tiziano''s boldness and unrestraint - all these are the great essences of Renaissance, bringing forward challenges for the future development of western art.
16. 公共查询·英语单词
16. In no particular order of difficulty, here is a list of the complications facing the young Michelangelo as he approached a block of newly quarried Carrara marble in the late summer of l499, and prepared to embark upon the carving of his first pieta.
17. Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor, and it would surely be rubbed out by today.
18. Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor, and it would surely be faded by now.
19. Five hundred years gao, Michelangelo created three of the art worlds greatest icons: the statue of David, the painted ceifing of the sistine Chapel in the Vatican and the dome of St.
20. When Michelangelo was born in Caprese, Italy, in 1475, his mother was in poor health.
1. He believes Michelangelo was equating God''s gift of a soul for Adam with the divine gift of intelligence for mankind.
2. A cutoff of Michelangelo''s Sistine Chapel Ceiling places a necktie on the naked Adam, concealing his penis and at the same time making him a stripper.
3. But Jones is in little doubt Michelangelo emerged from the contest with his reputation enhanced while Leonardo suffered a setback.
4. Florence gave Ningbo a replica of Michelangelo''s David, which Ningbo gladly accepted and erected in a public venue.
5. Visitors can also view a letter written by Michelangelo in sonnet form and sent to a lover.
6. But Gilson Barreto and Marcelo de Oliveira believe Michelangelo also scattered his detailed knowledge of internal anatomy across 34 of the ceiling''s 38 panels.
7. " The Judgment Day " is Miao''s short animation, inspired by Michelangelo''s original mural.
8. Eventually Barreto and Oliveira came to believe Michelangelo had left behind coded messages in each panel to help viewers find the hidden body part.
9. The first major exhibition showing the works of Italian master Michelangelo in over 20 years has opened in the Albertina Museum in Vienna.
10. Michelangelo Antonioni and his crew filming in a Henan province village for his documentary Chung Kuo in 1972.