
Malus pumila

Malus pumila 双语例句

1. Apple ≈ apple, Malus pumila, orchard apple tree

2. Malus pumila什么意思

2. Characterization of Ca~(2 +) ATPase Which Drives Active Transport ofCa~(2 +) in Plasma Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Pulp Cell of Malus pumila Fruits

3. Malus pumila

3. Coloning and analysis of the vacuolar acid invertase gene fragment from Malus pumila

4. Calli were induced and suspension cell lines were set up from ovule of Malus pumila Mill.

5. danci.edu.pub

5. Effects of Morphological Variation of Malus pumila Wood Fiber On Its Industrialized Utilization

6. Malus pumila在线翻译

6. The physio-biochemical changes in respiration rate, ethylene production, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and enzymatic browning of fresh-cut apple (Malus pumila Mill) induced by wounding were investigated.

7. Eurasian tree (Malus pumila) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers.

8. Application of fuzzy overall judgement in appraisal of Malus pumila fruit quality

9. Malus pumila在线翻译

9. The purpose of the study was to set up the high efficient plantlet regeneration system of Malus pumila vatniedzwetzkyana Schneid.

10. Malus pumila的近义词

10. The Asian apple from which all common apple varieties are derived is Malus pumila of the rose family, Rosaceae.

11. 公共查询·英语单词大全

11. New apple cultivar; Haohong(Malus pumila Mill.

12. Malus pumila的解释

12. Runoff seems to be more reactive to an increase in rainfall than to decrease.(3) Synthesize 20% increase in rainfall and 2 ℃ increases in temperature, primary production of the watershed still declined. Only Seabuckthorn decreased less for its sensitivity to rainfall change. For transpiration, all vegetation types decreased expect Seabuckthorn, Black Locust and crop, and for evaporation Black Locust and Malus pumila increased than others.

13. The result of experiment on different chemical control shows the best chemicals for cootrol Eriosoma lanigerum in the part trees above ground is 40%omethoate adding 1‰ washing powder (the ratio is 1:800). Applying 0.25 kg fortified benzene to the root of each tree can kill Eriosoma lanigerum in the root. In the past three years, chemical control as first, complementary with the measures of integrated control and quarantine techniques, the percentage of suffered trees in Malus pumila garden of 40.8 hm2 in Yimen County has decreased from 48.5%to 2.65%.

14. L-Galactose dehydrogenase is the key enzyme of ascorbate biosynthesis and oxidizing L-Gal to L-galactono-1, 4-lactone. Full-length cDNA encoding L-GalDH was cloned from Royal Gala apple Malus Pumila Mill cv.
      L-半乳糖脱氢酶(L-Galactose dehydrogenase,GalDH)是维生素C合成的L-半乳糖途径中,催化L-半乳糖生成L-半乳糖内酯的关键酶。

15. Effect of Calcium Deficiency in Apple (Malus pumila) Fruits on Calcium Fractions, Subcelluar Distribution and Ultrastructure of Pulp Cells

16. Salix matsudana, Ulmus pumila, Quermus mongolica, Populus alba×P. beroliensis and Betula platyphlla are frontal 5 tree species with weight value 90.37, 90.12, 88.12, 87.55 and 86.2 respectively, were used for farmland protection forest; Acer negundo, Salix matsudana, Juniperus rigida, Fraxinus mandshurica and Ulmus pumila are frontal 5 tree species with weight value 78.14, 76.92, 75.96, 74.72 and 74.56 respectively, were used for urban protection forest; Ulmus pumila, Salix matsudana, Populus alba×P. beroliensis, Acer negundo and Larix gemelinii are frontal 5 arbor tree species with weight value 80.07, 79.07, 77.5, 72.42 and 71.67 respectively, were used for road protection forest; Salix matsudana, Populus alba×P. beroliensis, Ulmus pumila, Larixgemelinii and Betula platyphlla are frontal 5 tree species with weight value 92.37, 88.72, 86.62, 85.82 and 85.7 respectively, were used for river protection forest; Fraxinus mandshurica, Larix gemelinii, Populus alba*P. beroliensis, Ulmus pumila and Salix matsudana are frontal 5 tree species with weight value 89.61, 8.35, 87.12, 85.56 and 80.15 respectively, were used for wood forest; Cornus alba, Prunus tomentosa, Primus triloba, Syringa obalata and Sambucus williamsii are frontal 5 shrubs with weight value 82.93, 81.23, 80.85, 78.38 and 77.78 respectively, were used for landscape forest; and Acer negundo, Malus baccata, Sorbus pohuashanensis, Prunus maackii and Prunus padus are frontal 5 arbors with weight value 82, 81.52, 80.3, 79.62 and 78.9 respectively, were used for landscape forest; Prunus salicina, Prunu

17. Effect of Fertigation with Potassium on Photosynthesis Characters, Leaf Nutrition and Fruit Quality of Malus Pumila Mill

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