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Lamentations 基本解释


耶利米哀歌;悲叹,哀悼( lamentation的名词复数 );

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Lamentations 网络解释

1. 耶利米哀歌:<<耶利米哀歌>>(Lamentations)顾名思义,就是耶利米的哀歌(The Lamenta-tions of Jeremiah),相传为耶利米(<<圣经>>中的人物,希伯来先知)所创,是一种用于天主教堂仪式的以素歌之曲调为基础的单线条的宗教合唱(有别于复调合唱).

2. Lamentations

2. 耶利米哀歌 哀歌:耶利米哀歌哀歌Lamentations | 以西结书厄则克耳Ezekiel | 但以理书达尼尔Daniel

3. Lamentations的翻译

3. 耶热弥亚之哀歌:44 耶热弥亚书 Jeremiah | 45 瓦如赫书 Baruth | 46 耶热弥亚之哀歌 Lamentations

Lamentations 双语例句

1. Iii, 19-21, 64-66, and chapter v, which, like a Miserere Psalm of Jeremias, forms a close to the five lamentations.
    三,19-21 ,64-66和第五章,其中,像一个求主怜悯的赫雷米亚斯诗篇,形成了密切的五个悲叹。

2. The garden keeper handled the white sail, lightly, singing the first lamentations in the darkness.

3. 公共查询·英语单词

3. Linton complied; and had he been unrestrained, would probably have spoiled all by filling his epistles with complaints and lamentations: but his father kept a sharp watch over him; and, of course, insisted on every line that my master sent being shown; so, instead of penning his peculiar personal sufferings and distresses, the themes constantly uppermost in his thoughts, he harped on the cruel obligation of being held asunder from his friend and love; and gently intimated that Mr Linton must allow an interview soon, or he should fear he was purposely deceiving him with empty promises.

4. In the book of Lamentations, we find a passionate record of Israel`s grief and sorrow.

5. My life goes on in endless song above earth''s lamentations, .

6. Literary criticism finds in the dramatic construction of the book a strong argument for the literary unity of Lamentations.

7. After she had vented the first agonies of her passion in tears and lamentations, she applied herself to all possible means to procure her husband`s liberty

8. Lamentations3:23-25 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
    感谢主!赞美主!求神保守。哀3:23-25 每早晨,这都是新的。你的诚实极其广大。

9. Still, let it not be supposed that amid this affected resignation to the will of Providence, the unfortunate inn-keeper did not writhe under the double misery of seeing the hateful canal carry off his customers and his profits, and the daily infliction of his peevish partner''s murmurs and lamentations.

10. Lamentations

10. In Jeremiah and Lamentations, It is Jesus that is the Weeping Prophet.

11. We could hear her lamentations through the closed door.

12. Lamentations 4:6 For the punishment of the iniquity of the...

13. The Lamentations have received a peculiar distinction in the Liturgy of the Church in the Office of Passion Week.

14. Instead of dwelling in excuses and lamentations, celebrate positive and valuable results.

15. Be too late for regrets and lamentations; cry over spilt milk; Regret will not mend matters.

16. Most of the book of Lamentations, like Ps 119, is an acrostic. an Israelite prophet in the Old Testament who is remembered for his angry lamentations (jeremiads) about the wickedness of his people.

17. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

17. It compiles 305 poems of Zhou Dynasty Most of the book of Lamentations, like Ps 119, is an acrostic.

18. Aflame, I tell you, with birth, aging death, with sorrows, lamentations, pains, distresses, despairs.

19. Jeremiah, was a prophet of God and wrote two books or scrolls - Jeremiah and Lamentations.

20. Lamentations

20. In the snick of scissors wielded by women cutting off the flesh of a village oppressor; in the lamentations of village brides beaten by their husbands and in their murderous cries of vengeance as they organized themselves into Women''s Associations and beat, scratched and tore the flesh of their hated lords and masters; everywhere on the good Chinese earth, across the plains, the mountains and the fields, these passions rose up as a new and unconquerable force.

Lamentations 单语例句

1. All last week the rightwing papers here rustled with the lamentations of the privileged, wailing about a new class war.

2. But the furor caused by the negative reporting about China compels me to add my lamentations here.

3. We have been hearing lamentations about the falling quality of higher education and against academic corruption all these years.

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