
Kyoto [kiˈəutəu]  [kiˈoto, ˈkjo-] 

Kyoto 基本解释



Kyoto 网络解释

1. Kyoto

1. 日本京都大学:根据合作协议,将由中国中山大学,英国Bristol大学及日本京都大学(Kyoto)联合在中山大学举办防洪减灾国际博士课程,具体组织及招生工作由中山大学水资源与环境系陈洋波教授负责,有兴趣的人员可直接与陈洋波教授联系.

2. Kyoto在线翻译

2. 日本,京都:为了配合通讯上的应用,日本京都(Kyoto)大学的科学家制造出操作波长为1.55微米的三维光子晶体. 该人造晶体主要是以砷化镓(gallium arsenide)为材料,中央为一层磷砷化铟镓发光层. 这项成果时整合半导体光电特性上的一项突破,

3. 京都府:京都府(kyoto)位于日本主要岛屿--本洲岛的中西部,东邻三重县和滋贺县,西邻兵库县,南邻大阪府和奈良县,东北邻福井县. 京都府拥有人口260万,面积为4613平方公里. 京都市气候宜人、风景秀丽.

Kyoto 双语例句

1. If you and your second half are in the mood for love, and there is no time to head for Kyoto or Okinawa, then try a cruise around Tokyo Bay.

2. Beautiful and lucky after learning, order him to cut the belly with the charge of planning a plot, and the children of concubine of beautiful wife of time more than 30 people will be beheaded, according to? The blood dyed duck Sichuan of Kyoto red at that time. 1594, beautiful lucky 59? When, record document officer on it is the beautiful time in vain without being imprisoned is it the beautiful and lucky on diary in? On sleep wet the bed hour but the conscientious.

3. The decision marked a blow to efforts to find a tough, binding treaty to follow the Kyoto Accords of 1997. The election of U. S.

4. Kyoto

4. This thesis is the study of the regime formation of international climate cooperation in Kyoto Protocol.

5. Kyoto什么意思

5. It is a mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol leading to cooperation between the developed and developing countries in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

6. The obligations in Articles 10 and 11 of the Kyoto Protocol for cooperation among Parties on technology transfer, research, capacity-building and financial support.

7. Our emissions trading concept has become the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, eight of the world''s la rgest corporations have joined with Environmental Defense in making commitmen ts to reduce their own emissions of greenhouse gases. We also persuaded McDon ald''s to replace bulky foam-plastic hamburger boxes, helped curb antibiotic u se in animals for food production, and helped FedEx develop a delivery truck that is 50% more fuel-efficient.
    Environmental Defense提出的排污权交易概念成为《京都议定书》的核心思想;世界最大企业中的8个与Environmental D efense合作,自愿削减他们的温室气体排放;Environmental Defense 成功地说服了麦当劳停止使用泡沫塑料汉堡包盒子;减少动物食品中抗生素的使用;以及帮助联邦快递公司引入燃料利用率提高了50%以上的新型递送卡车。

8. This is an image of one of Kyoto''s maiko.

9. Kyoto什么意思

9. The maiko is an apprentice geisha (or geiko, as they are called in Kyoto).

10. Please enjoy having lunch at the Kyoto Century Hotel located next to the Kyoto Station Building.

11. In Kyoto, Ieyasu ordered the remodeling of the imperial court and buildings, and forced the remaining western daimyo to sign an oath of fealty to him. In 1613, he composed the Kuge Shohatto''a document which put the court daimyo under strict supervision, leaving them as mere ceremonial figureheads.

12. Kyoto

12. Instead, they called for a temporary political agreement while continuing to negotiate a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol.

13. Why Kyoto resident detests MAIKO?

14. Next are invited Beijing Wing Cheong Kyoto Real Estate Development Company with the marketing director, Ms. Lei on the pretty woman with Wing Cheong Group and the project, call Ms. Lei more pretty woman!

15. I`d like to see Kyoto.

16. Kyoto的翻译

16. When I got to Kyoto, it was very late.

17. Kyoto

17. Don''t you think it is a way of coming out of the Kyoto Protocol?

18. danci.edu.pub

18. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Kyoto cheap.

19. At last, my father made up his mind to go alone to Kyoto.


20. I took this Photo in Kyoto, Japan.

Kyoto 单语例句


1. Peng''s job was created by the Kyoto Protocol, a 2005 international agreement on carbon dioxide reduction.

2. The Kyoto Protocol will not go into effect until 55 countries representing 55 percent of industrial countries''carbon dioxide emissions in 1990 have approved it.

3. The United States has not joined the Kyoto Protocol, saying its requirements to cap the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide would hurt the US economy.

4. Pursuant to the UN Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol was devised in order to address the harmful effects of global warming.

5. The Danish text rejected the principles of the Kyoto Protocol and handed effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank.

6. He has also pledged to address climate change, despite America''s refusal to sign up to the Kyoto protocol on cutting greenhouse gases.

7. The former diplomat has promised to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

8. Britain and Germany are leading the charge to extend Kyoto and expand its scope to bring in the US which rejected it in 2001.

9. They will also facilitate the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol''s Clean Development Mechanism to address environmental issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

10. AFP reported that US negotiator Jonathan Pershing made it clear in Bangkok that Washington will never join the Kyoto Protocol.

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