


Jews 基本解释

犹太人;犹太教徒( Jew的名词复数 );

Jews 网络解释

1. 猶太人(西亞):Jerma 傑爾馬人(西非) | Jews 猶太人(西亞) | Jirajira 希拉希拉人(南美)

2. (犹太人国家):9. Archipelagic country, once colony of the Dutch (千岛之国,曾是荷兰人的殖民地) | 10. Jews (犹太人国家) | 11. Maple trees (枫树之国)

Jews 双语例句

1. It is hard now for Jews to talk about anti-Semitism even when it does exist.

2. On their human side these innovations are to be accounted for by the free spirit of the Hellenist Jews.

3. Jews的解释

3. But when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.

4. The sacking of the Temple (pictured above in an 1867 painting by Francesco Hayez) was the biggest milestone, though not the only dramatic moment, in a series of military engagements between the Jews and Romans. These ranged from the conquests of Pompey, who about 130 years earlier had turned Judea into a vassal kingdom, to the final Jewish revolts that broke out at the start of the second century.

5. Jews的翻译

5. The sacking of the Temple (pictured above in an 1867 painting by Francesco Hayez) was the biggest milestone, though not the only dramatic moment, in a series of military engagements between the Jews and Romans.

6. And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.
    28:29 保罗说了这话犹太人议论纷纷的就走了)。

7. Jews

7. The extermination of the Jews is good for the inhabitants of the world.

8. Jews在线翻译

8. In either case the First Book of the Maccabees is one of the best sources known for the history of the Jews.


9. The tradition of the Jews is put forth with precision and clearness in 2 Maccabees.

10. A decree of Augustus in favour of Jews was supposed to be framed for those at Ancyra, in Galatia.
    一项法令奥古斯都赞成犹太人被认为是制定那些在Ancyra ,在加拉提亚。

11. 公共查询·英语单词大全

11. Orthodox Jews head toward the Western Wall, one of the most sacred spots of Judaism.

12. Thus, under circumstances the most unlikely and unforgivable, were his fears converted into boldness, and he, whom fear of the Jews had restrained from making open avowal of discipleship during the life - time of Jesus, not only professed such of the Crucified Christ, 2 At the same time I feel, that this might have been represented by the Jews as not quite importing what it really was, as rather an act of pietas towards the Rabbi of Nazareth than of homage to the Messiahship of Jesus.
      因此,根据的情况下,最不可能和不可原谅的,是他的恐惧转化成勇气,他,他害怕犹太人从决策约束avowal开放的门徒在生命-耶稣时,不仅宣称这种被钉十字架的基督,( 2同时我觉得,这可能已经为代表的犹太人不太进口什麼是真的,而不是作为行为的pietas对拉比拿撒勒,而不是致敬,Messiahship耶稣。

13. Thus, under circumstances the most unlikely and unforgivable, were his fears converted into boldness, and he, whom fear of the Jews had restrained from making open avowal of discipleship during the life - time of Jesus, not only professed such of the Crucified Christ, (2 At the same time I feel, that this might have been represented by the Jews as not quite importing what it really was, as rather an act of pietas towards the Rabbi of Nazareth than of homage to the Messiahship of Jesus.) but took the most bold and decide step before Jews and Gentiles in connection with it.
      因此,的情况下,最不可能和不可原谅的,他的恐惧转化为勇气,和他,谁怕犹太人已受限制,从公开声明的门徒在生活-时间的耶稣,不仅p rofessed等的被钉十字架的基督,( 2在同一时间,我觉得,这可能已为代表的犹太人作为不大进口什么,它真的是,作为,而不是行为pietas对拉比纳匝肋的比对参拜向messiahship耶稣),但上台最大胆的一步,并决定之前,犹太人和外邦人,他们涉嫌与它。

14. Is He about to go to the Jews in dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?

15. All my life is dedicated to Jews and Judaism, so I listen and I hear.

16. Jews的反义词

16. The rewarded proportion of Jews is one hundred times than the other nations.

17. Jews are still one of the most liberal group in American society.

18. Jews的意思

18. Heterozygote screening: Screening a susceptible population (eg, Tay-Sachs disease in Ashkenazic Jews, sickle cell anemia in blacks, thala emia in various ethnic grou ) may be a ropriate because of the high frequency of heterozygotes.

19. It was not just the Jews Hitler sought to extirpate, it was just about anyone with an alternate point of view.

20. The ancient Jews knew nothing of hereditary nobility. All believers in the New Testament stand as priests before God.

Jews 单语例句

1. A recent remark by Mahathir that " Jews rule the world by proxy " brought widespread criticism, which Mahathir said only proved he was right.

2. JERUSALEM - Israel''s kosher cellular phone market has a new model, a device with a Yiddish interface to help devout Jews combine tradition with modern technology.

3. But for a woman to don tefillin is still not a common practice, and for a gentile to wear tefillin might be regarded by some Jews as sacrilege.

4. Relations were restored in 1991 following the collapse of communism, a period that also saw mass migration of Jews from the Soviet Union to Israel.

5. Palestinian officials said word had spread that religious Jews planned to enter the mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.

6. A group of hardline settlers and rabbis fueled tensions Sunday by urging Jews to converge on the site and pray.

7. He said his troops were involved in pitched battles day and night with groups of about 20 or 30 Jews - both men and women.

8. Half of the dead were Jews, who made up around a third of the population and mostly lived in the center.

9. The newspaper ads and a video clip were intended to strengthen Diaspora Jews''ties to Israel.

10. Critics argued it was tasteless to display a replica of the man who unleashed World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe''s Jews.

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