
Indonesia [ˌɪndəʊ''ni:zjə]  [ˌɪndə''ni:ʒəˌ -ʃəˌ -doʊ-] 

Indonesia 基本解释


Indonesia 网络解释

1. 印尼:它从来没有放弃过对南中国海的渴望,从来没有停止过侵占南沙诸岛的步伐. 菲律宾士兵的子弹正在穿透中国渔民的胸膛,菲律宾的国旗正在中国的领土上飘扬. 菲律宾,一个中国绝对不能忽视的国家. 第九位--印-尼(Indonesia) 威胁指数:7 实力指数:5综...

2. 印尼(印度尼西亞):印尼/印度尼西亚(Indonesia)国旗印尼国旗为上红下白二色旗帜,红色代表自由与勇气,白色象徵正义与纯洁;印尼国徽是一只金色巨鹰(Garuda),胸前挂着一张盾牌,盾牌上的五个图案星星、项链、水牛头、榕树、棉花与稻穗,

3. (印尼印尼印尼印尼):Burma) 仰光仰光仰光仰光(Yangon)C01 柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨柬埔寨(Cambodia) 金边金边金边金边(Phnom Penh)D01 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 雅加达雅加达雅加达雅加达(Jakarta)D02 印尼印尼印尼印尼(Indonesia) 巴淡岛巴淡岛巴淡

Indonesia 双语例句

1. OCBC Bank''s key markets are Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Greater China.

2. Indonesia

2. Under normal circumstances, the tropical Pacific region, the monsoon currents from the Americas to Asia, so that the surface of the Pacific to keep warm and to bring the Tropical Rainfall around Indonesia.


3. In recent years the first Ka Beijing, Dalian Changxing Island, Tai Mashi Huzhou in Zhejiang Province, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, screening, broken sets of joint production lines have achieved good results.

4. Indonesia在线翻译

4. There are roughly three super cold mantle plume: one is from Eurasia to Australia, the range of downwelling is narrower with depth, Among the tethyan region of Mediterranean Sea to Himalayas to Indonesia is obverse in the depth of 500-1000km and disappears at about 2000km; the other is beneath North-America to South-America which is also agreed with the FRALLON slab diving into lower mantle; the third is Antarctica down-plume which is obvious in the lower mantle.

5. I lived in Indonesia for a few years.

6. He says it will improve Indonesia''s tourism industry.

7. Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Indonesia with hot deals and special offers.

8. Since then, the state-owned banks have been recapitalized by the government (their bad debts taken over by a separate agency), and prospects for them may now be somewhat brighter, judging from a presentation by Hendrawan Tranggana, managing director of compliance at Bank Rakyat Indonesia.

9. Japan played list: Doubles Marquise/Hendra head; 09-02-09 * Olympic badminton champion Marquise further shocks quit the national team of Indonesia...
    日本出场名单:男双马基斯/亨德拉打头阵; 09-02-09·奥运冠军马基斯退出国家队印尼羽毛球再受冲击。。。

10. According to official data, Indonesia about 76% to 80% of the logging is illegal.

11. We supported the dictatorship of Suharto in Indonesia because that country supplies most of the oil in the Pacific Rim.

12. Through one of its subsidiary company, Singamas Container Holdings Ltd which is a listed company in Hong Kong, PIL has invested in eleven (11) container manufacturing facilities - ten in China and one in Surabaya, Indonesia.
      通过其全资子公司之一,Singamas集装箱股份有限公司是由香港上市公司,公益诉讼已投资于11(11)容器的制造设施- 10个在中国,一个在泗水、印尼。

13. Indonesia is the world''s largest Muslim country, but most practice a very moderate form of Islam and will have a beer every now and then.

14. The cuisine of Eastern Indonesia is similar to Polynesian and Melanesian cuisine.

15. Indonesia

15. Extra Joss is manufactured by PT Bintang Toedjoe, a subsidiary of Indonesia''s leading pharmaceutical company PT Kalbe Farma Group.

16. This article analyzed the effect of explicit deposit insurance for moral hazard in Indonesia.

17. The first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, was involved with the exact location and the idea for the Samudra Beach Hotel.

18. Orangutans are still being captured for pets in Indonesia, further threatening the survival of the critically endangered great apes, conservationists said Thursday, blaming poor law enforcement.

19. We were also able to visit Indonesia for 2 weeks during Christmas and the New Year.

20. It almost certainly contributed to the rising numbers of middle-class voters who backed the incumbent governments of Indonesia and India.

Indonesia 单语例句

1. China also offers Indonesia preferential buyer''s credit for their cooperation in infrastructure.

2. Indonesia has been hard hit by a fivefold hike in the price of chilli, a household necessity.

3. Several active volcanos in Indonesia have been predicted month before eruption and the officials raise their alert status gradually before reaching to the top.

4. Canberra had already urged Australians to be on the alert, warning of a greater risk of attacks in Indonesia over Christmas and New Year.

5. Su said Indonesia hopes to play an active and constructive role in the region to promote cooperation between China and ASEAN.

6. Indonesia straddles a series of fault lines that make the vast island nation prone to volcanic and seismic activity.

7. Indonesia straddles a chain of fault lines and volcanoes known as the Pacific " Ring of Fire " and is prone to seismic activity.

8. The vessel was carrying a cargo of coal and was traveling from Indonesia to the western Indian state of Gujarat.

9. However, the Bank of Indonesia case is politically sensitive and could prove embarrassing for President Yudhoyono.

10. Hutchison said the buyout would allow the phone company to plough cash back into expanding its operations in emerging markets including Indonesia and Vietnam.

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