
IV [ˌaɪ ˈvi:]  [ˌaɪ''vi:] 

IV 基本解释

intravenous 静脉内的;increase value 增值;

IV 网络解释

1. 静脉注射:试剂购自上海科华生物技术公司,批号20051213,操作及结果判断均严格按照产品说明书进行. 研究对象根据滥用方式分为A组:肌肉注射(im)+静脉注射(iv),B组:烫吸+肌肉注射,C组:烫吸+静脉注射,D组:单纯烫吸,进行比较分析.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 初始化向量:TKIP包括四项算法:message integrity check(信息完整性检查)(MIC),保护信息包免于遭受篡改;Per-Packet Key(单一封包密钥)(PPK)杂散化,防止有弱点的密钥受攻击;延伸 initialization vector(初始化向量)(IV),减少IV的再使用,

3. 中压调门:每台机组配有两个高压主汽门(TV)、四个高压调门(GV)、两个中压主汽门(RSV)和四个中压调门(IV). DEH(数字电液调节系统)控制系统在硬件上采用与DCS相一致的由上海FOXBORO公司提供的I/A系统,组成一个控制环网,

4. 流感病毒:1.3 流感病毒(iv)、副流感病毒(piv) 有报道称测定病毒感染期间人气道对组胺的反应性即速发型哮喘反应(iar)增加3倍,并促进迟发型哮喘反应(lar)发生,lar较iar持续时间更长,危害更大 [8] .

5. danci.911cha.com

5. iv:iodine-value; 碘值

6. iv:input voltages; 输入电压

7. IV的意思

7. iv:introduction pneumatic valve; 进气阀

8. iv:incremental value; 增值税

IV 双语例句

1. The fluorescence quenching mechanism of human serum albumin by medicines and the difference of binding of nalidixic acid and norfloxacin to HSA was discussed.

2. 公共查询·英语单词大全

2. Of shares Amount shares Amount HK$`000 HK$`000 Authorised: Ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each 600, 000, 000600, 000600, 000, 000600, 000 Ordinary shares, issued and fully paid: At 1 July 128, 356, 537128, 3571, 330, 309, 375133, 031 Consolidation of every ten shares of nominal value of HK$0.10 each into one share of nominal value of HK$1.00 each note (i ––(1, 166, 678, 438)– Repurchase of shares note (ii (1, 603, 000)(1, 603)(35, 274, 400)(4, 674) Share option exercised note (iii 1, 975, 0001, 975 –– Conversion of convertible notes note (iv 40, 909, 09040, 909 –– At 30 June 169, 637, 627169, 638128, 356, 537128, 357 Notes: Consolidation of share capital Pursuant to an ordinary resolution passed on 9 May 2007, the issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each of the Company were consolidated on the basis of every ten shares into one share of HK$1.00 each.
    GOLDEN HARVEST ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED 180 Annual Report 2008 搜索公告牛即可看到网络上最快的个股公告财务报表附注截至二零零八年六月三十日止年度 28 股本及储备二零零八年二零零七年股份数目金额股份数目金额千港元千港元法定:每股面值1.00港元之普通股 600,000,000 600,000 600,000,000 600,000 已发行及缴足之普通股:于七月一日 128,356,537 128,357 1,330,309,375 133,031 每十股面值为0.10港元之股份合并为一股面值1.00港元之股份––(1,166,678,438)–购回股份(1,603,000)(1,603)(35,274,400)(4,674)已使行购股权 1,975,000 1,975 ––兑换可换股票据 40,909,090 40,909 ––于六月三十日 169,637,627 169,638 128,356,537 128,357 附注:合并股本根据于二零零七年五月九日通过之普通决议案,本公司每股面值0.10港元之已发行及未发行普通股按每十股合并为一股面值1.00港元股份之基准合并。

3. IV quarter Xing company Product many kinds, good quality and excellent price and perfect after-sales service for the purpose, won the overwhelming majority of the user''s trust and support.

4. Canton IV quarter of the smart card Hing Co., Ltd., is a card manufacturing and supporting system for the development of high-tech enterprises, the company introduced the German advanced printing equipment and international standard production line fabrication, specializing in: PVC cards, magnetic stripe cards, membership cards, ¨, medical attendance cards, securities trading cards, three-dimensional cards, portrait cards, paper cards, tag cards, work permits, admission ticket, special-shaped card production and marketing, through the unremitting efforts of all employees, annual production capacity has reached 80000000, the product of the indicators have reached international standards, are the largest production capacity of Guangzhou, one card system.

5. On the 12th week, in Group I and Group II, the muscle RMS amplitude recovered to 28%~33%; in Group III, the RMS amplitude recovered to 55% compared to the preinjection activity levels.
    3注射后第12周,Group I 和Group II咬肌最大咬力振幅回复至注射前的28%~33%;而Group III则回复至注射前的55 %(4)控制组Group IV,各项咬肌活动变数在生理食盐水注射前后没有显著的差异。

6. IV

6. Of 8 cases, 2 were in stage Ⅰa, 3 in stage Ⅰb, 1 in stage Ⅲ and 2 in stage IV.
    它们的临床分期是Ⅰ a期2例,Ⅰ b期3例,Ⅲ期1例,Ⅳ期2例。

7. Iv The centre line of the armature wire slots in the lamination stack must be in line with either the centre of the commutator bar or the mica between commutator bars, within +2 degrees depending on the original design.

8. IV的意思

8. The Technical Committee shall carry out the technical work called for in Part IV and prescribed in annex I.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Orchestra has achieved high international acclaim and regularly performs at some of the world`s most prestigious music festivals including Salzburg, Edinburgh, Lucerne and the BBC Proms in London, establishing Iván Fischer`s reputation as one of the world`s great visionary and successful orchestra leader.

10. IV. Personal Diathesis:- Good appetency to the students, like working with children, and great desire to dedicate oneself to English teaching; - To work efficiently and with strong responsibility; - Always be willing to self-improve and accumulate, in order to insure the accuracy and the authority of professional knowledge.

11. And the list of equipment to be exported (attached here as Appendixes IV, V and VI) as well as the documents evidencing the legal status of the contracting parties, to MOFTEC in order to apply for a Technology Export License.

12. In 1598 one of Will''s plays was Henry IV.

13. danci.edu.pub

13. Iv. In 2 # coal-tar oil products, the C and H comparative contents increase 0.41% and 2.62% respectively, H/C increases 0.17%, the N and S comparative contents decrease 9.21% and 34.62% respectively.

14. IV什么意思

14. During no loading osseointegration the mean value of ISQ is class I, II: 75.86±4.78, class III, IV: 68.33±8.73. The ISQ of bone I, II is higher (P.05) and could bear more loading. Furthermore the ISQ is lower at postoperative 4 weeks and dentists need pay more attentions to the implant-bone micro-mobile.

15. Iv the name and address of the licensee

16. Conservative treatment, debridement and suturing and deep mattress suture were taken for I-II degree liver trauma, greater omentum or gelatin tamponage plus suture were chosen for III degree liver injury, debridement with partial hepatectomy was chosen for IV degree liver injury and gauze tamponage and infeior vena cave in posterior liver repairing resection was performed depending on position of liver injuries and general conditions of the patients. Results showed that the total cue rate was 94.2%.


17. In C sharp minor: IV. Adagietto

18. IV

18. Methods A total of 60 patients with early diabetic nephropathy (albuminuria: 30 to 300 mg/24 h, male/female: 30/30, mean age: 51.23 years, mean course of disease: 12.9 years) were randomized equally into three groups: the routine treatment group, cozaar group (50 mg qd, po for 12 weeks) and sulodexid group (600 LSU qd, iv or im for 4 weeks, 250 LSU bid, po for 8 weeks).
      微量白蛋白尿期糖尿病肾病患者 60 例,采用计算机随机分组方法将患者等分为 3 组:常规治疗组只予常规降糖治疗 12 周;氯沙坦钾组在常规降糖治疗同时每日晨口服氯沙坦钾 50 mg,12 周;伟素组在常规降糖治疗的同时给予伟素 600 LSU,qd,iv 或 im 治疗4周,再以250 LSU bid,po序贯治疗 8 周。

19. IV的反义词

19. Iv that may affect the safe use of toxic substances of other relevant information.

20. While studying at the school, I made the Ministry of Education Examination Center of certified English IV certificate, the National Putonghua examination II B, accounting certification examinations in.

IV 单语例句

1. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

2. The company''s hybrid electric car meets the Euro IV Standard and saves 25 percent of oil under complicated urban road conditions.

3. China is to carry out a manned spaceflight around 2005 if Shenzhou IV unmanned spacecraft makes a successful test flight.

4. A doctor would administer the drug when Jackson went to sleep, then would stop the IV drip when the singer needed to wake up.

5. All new cars sold in the capital must comply with this standard and gasoline that meets China IV is now sold at gas stations.

6. Beijing is expected to adopt the Euro III standard for gas emission this year, with the Euro IV standard to be adopted by 2008.

7. Under a level IV emergency response, monitoring of emergencies will be stepped up and reported to the State Council.

8. BEIJING - The Chinese government initiated a level IV emergency response plan on Wednesday in response to a severe drought in Central China''s Hubei province.

9. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has launched a level IV emergency response after the new floods hit southern China from Thursday.

10. Lau''s children were thrown into the sea as the Lamma IV tilted on its way to its fatal dive.

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