
IRA是什么意思 IRA在线翻译 IRA什么意思 IRA的意思 IRA的翻译 IRA的解释 IRA的发音 IRA的同义词 IRA的反义词 IRA的例句 IRA的相关词组

IRA [ˌaɪ ɑ:r ˈeɪ]  [ˌaɪɑ:r''eɪ] 

IRA 基本解释


Irish Republican Army <英>爱尔兰共和军;independent retirement account 个人退休账户;


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IRA 网络解释

1. IRA什么意思

1. 埃拉:皮球画出一道完美的弧线,向着球门左上角飞去,虽然门将埃拉(Ira)努力作出扑救,但是球仍然从他的手指尖滑过,球进了~~!这场比赛的首发阵容我没有做出任何调整,和上一场比赛一样. 但是在出场之前,我仔细的叮嘱球员们,

2. IRA

2. 艾拉:这张专辑不但圆了罗比化身为法兰克.辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)的梦想,也让他完成和妮可.基德曼来段合唱的幻想,<>(我开始听的时候竟然不相信是基德曼唱,及其专业)与哥哥艾拉(Ira)为1930年音乐剧<

3. IRA

3. 非正式运价协定:非正式运价协定(IRA)成员日前宣布,自6月1日起,正式恢复远东至中东航线集装箱班轮运价. 具体包括该航线上北亚诸国,如中国、韩国、香港以及台湾地区的各类集装箱运价均按100美元/TEU的幅度加价. 至于日本地区运价则已经于4月1日开始实施了.

4. ira:infarction-related artery; 梗死相关动脉

5. 公共查询·英语单词大全

5. ira:irishrepublic army; 爱尔兰共和军

6. IRA什么意思

6. ira:information requirement analysis; 信息需求分析

7. ira:individual retirement accounts; 个人退休帐户

IRA 双语例句

1. Ira Wright: I don''t think I can hide that.

2. You are not able to use a conventional IRA account or 401-K plan for a down payment without paying high penalties and taxes on the gains that accrued while the money was in your saving plan.
    你不能用常规共和军帐户或401 k计划为首期无需支付昂贵的惩罚和税收对收益累积的,而钱是在你的储蓄计划。

3. IRA

3. Transcatheter aspiration of coronary thrombus is a simple and effective method to manage the acute myocardial infarction patients.

4. The construction of IRA codes includes the optimization of degree distribution and the design of parity check matrix.

5. We analyzed Tanner graph and parity check matrix of the IRA codes.

6. Catching a double in my IRA account with todays action!

7. IRA

7. Other potential investors in Saab since the Koenigsegg deal collapsed have included investor Ira Rennert''s Renco Inc.
    自柯尼塞格收购萨博的交易破裂以来,萨博的其他潜在投资者还有雷纳特持有的Renco Inc。

8. Renco Group, run by billionaire Ira Rennert, has held various ownership in heavy vehicle maker AM General, as well as several steel companies.
    Renco集团,由亿万富翁艾拉Rennert ,举行了各种所有制在重型汽车制造商通用上午,还有一些钢铁企业。

9. danci.edu.pub

9. Other than Ira Rennert`s Renco Group and Fiat, luxury supercar maker Koenigsegg is among the remaining bidders for General Motors` Saab brand.

10. For example, if you stash away 20 percent for investing in mutual funds, a Roth IRA, or real estate, you''ll make your money work for you.
    举例来说,你可以拿20%的收入来投资共同基金、乐富 IRA 或者房地产,这样你的钱就会为你工作。

11. I lost a big one on IRA account by noon time.

12. The sixth, for the sixth month, was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite. There were 24, 000 men in his division.

13. The sixth captain for the sixth month was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his course were twenty and four thousand.
      27:9 六月第六班的班长是提哥亚人益吉的儿子以拉。他班内有二万四千人。

14. The sixth captain for the sixth month was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite: in his course were twenty four thousand.
      27:9 六月第六班的班长是提哥亚人益吉的儿子以拉。他班内有二万四千人。

15. IRA的反义词

15. Near the Prater. You know it? La grande roue? On ira.

16. Ira Block is a master at photographing difficult subjects like this cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde in Colorado.
      Ira Block是精通摄影的大师解决困难的科目像这样的悬崖居住在梅萨维德在科罗拉多州。

17. Sinn Fein is the IRA''s political organization.

18. Answer: The question you pose -- am I better off going it alone or opting for some sort of professional help with my 401, IRA, or other investment accounts?

19. The only parliamentary party campaigning for a No vote is Sinn Fein, the former political wing of the IRA, which has puny support in Ireland.

20. The most popular method is funding an Individual Retirement Account or IRA.

IRA 单语例句

1. Much of the torch''s route in coming days goes through predominantly Irish Catholic turf, home to IRA extremists still committed to overthrowing Northern Ireland by force.

2. Moderate Catholic politicians said Wednesday they won''t punish Sinn Fein over alleged IRA spying, meaning Northern Ireland''s administration probably faces suspension by Britain next week.

3. Adams said he thought the instruction for IRA members to avoid " any other activities " meant they should not engage in crime.

4. Among those were 763 soldiers and 309 people killed by soldiers, chiefly Catholic civilians and IRA members.

5. It was the first such commemoration in four decades because of official sensitivities over IRA bloodshed.

6. " We''re trying to be the Ben & Jerry''s of cat food, " says marketing director Ira Cohen.

7. The Police Service of Northern Ireland said the suspected IRA dissident was arrested in the overwhelmingly Irish Catholic village of Bellaghy.

8. But all sides agree that the IRA''s 2005 decision to renounce violence and disarm has permitted British soldiers to beat their own retreat.

9. Britain resumed direct control of Northern Ireland in October 2002 after police accused Sinn Fein''s top Assembly aide of gathering intelligence on potential IRA targets.

10. The home rule legislature was suspended a year ago as allegations of an IRA spying ring shattered the province''s political truce.

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