

H2O 双语例句

1. It is concluded that the hydroxy group containing ZrW2O72(H2O)2 has suitable band structure and possesses the photocatalytic ability to split water.
    本研究表明,包含 OH 基的 ZrW2O72(H2O)2 具有光解水产氢产氧能力,能带结构符合光解水要求,是一种新型的光解水材料。

2. In U+10 group, cardiac output and cardiac index were lowered at 15 seconds after RM began, and recovered slowly after RM; in U+0 group and U5 group, the entire RM could be carried out to the end, and biopsy showed bullous emphysema in U+0 group.
    对ARDS实施肺复张,应充分考虑压力对血流动力学及肺组织的损害;肺复张压力应选择在UIP或UIP下5 cm H2O,此时对血流动力学没有明显影响。

3. H2O的近义词

3. In one implementation, at least one of nickel silicide or cobalt silicide is exposed to a fluid comprising H2SO4, H2O2, H2O, and HF at a temperature of at least 50 DEG C. and at a pressure from 350 Torr to 1100 Torr effective to etch the at least one of nickel silicide or cobalt silicide from the substrate.

4. The Cunano/pOPD nanocompsoite modified electrode allows highly sensitive, low working potential, stable, and fast amperometric sensing of H2O2, thus is promising for the future development of non-enzymatic H2O2 sensors.

5. The methods of the disperse fluorescence, temporal-resolved spectrum and spatial-resolved spectrum were used to study the excited dissociation kinetics of N2/H2O gas in the pulsed streamer discharge plasma at the standared atmospheric pressure (1.013×105 Pa).
    采用色散荧光光谱、时间分辨光谱和空间分辨光谱方法,在标准大气压(1.013×105 Pa)下,对以N2气为载气的H2O蒸气脉冲流光放电等离子体激发解离反应动力学过程进行了实验研究。

6. H2O什么意思

6. The optimal 3p-HFLPME conditions were: MOF 503 polyvinylidene difluoride hollow fiber as organic solvent supporter, n -heptanol as organic phase, 5 mmol/L HCl in the donor phase and 80 mmol/L NH3.H2O as the acceptor phase, the HBAs were extracted for 35 min under an agitation of 1200 r/min.
    优化的3p-HFLPME条件:以MOF 503聚偏氟乙烯中空纤维为有机溶剂支持体,正庚醇为有机相,5 mmol/L HCl体系为给体,80 mmol/L NH3.H2O为接受相,搅拌速度为1200 r/min,萃取35 min。

7. H2O是什么意思

7. Borax or tincal: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Na2B4O5(OH4 H2O, a soft, light, colourless crystalline mineral used as a component of glass and pottery glaze s in the ceramics industry, as a solvent for metal-oxide slags in metallurgy, as a flux in welding and soldering, and as a fertilizer additive, a soap supplement, a disinfectant, a mouthwash, and a water softener.

8. The optimal reaction conditions were that the mole ratio of chlorotoluene to KMnO_4 to A-1 to H_2O was about 1∶2.6:∶.05∶300, the reaction temperature and time were 93? ℃ and 2.5? h respectively and the react...
    优化反应条件:反应物料比为,氯代甲苯∶KMnO4为∶A 1∶H2O≈1∶2.6∶0.05∶300,反应温度为93℃,反应时间为2.5h,在中性条件下进行反应,邻、对位氯代苯甲酸的收率分别可达76.4%、76.9%。

9. H2O

9. The transformation from spherical to rodlike micelle was realized by changing the ratio of DMF∶H2O to turn the polarity of the medium and increasing micelle aggregation number, as a result, a colloidal solution predominated by rodlike gold nanoparticles was obtained.

10. Four years ago, when we applied BET model to predict solubility diagram of the ternary system LiCl-LiNO3-H2O, essential differences has been found between predicted and experimental one.
    2评述了热力学模型的研究及其应用现状,在此基础上针对所研究体系的性质,选择了一种可靠的热力学模型—— BET模型用于描述该水盐体系的溶解度性质。

11. Hemin-nitrite-H2O2 could effectively induce liver homogenate protein nitration, lipid peroxidation and thiol oxidation. Accordingly, hemin-nitrite-H2O2 could effectively induce L-O2 oxidative injury and protein nitration which could reduce the cell viability. Baicalein, baicalin and wogonin could dose dependently inhibite hemin-nitrite-H2O2 system induced protein nitration, whereas wogonin hardly inhibited lipid peroxidation. Baicalein, baicalin and wogonin could also protect L-O2 from the injury caused by hemin-nitrite-H2O2 system, however, only baicalein and baicalin showed a dose dependent manner.

12. The experiment showed that the water-to-surfactant molar ratio (w=[H2O]/) was the predominant factor to the particle size of TiO2 and the concentration of titanium butoxide was in the next place.


13. In the process of experiment, selectively cleave of Ac protection became a big problem. Using LiOH/NH3/DBU/Bu2SnO /(Bu3Sn)2O/NaOMe in different solvent (THF, CH3OH, H2O et al) couldn`t get ideal result. Having no alternate, cleaving all protection groups, using regioselective glycosation method got the expected effect.
      实验过程中采用LiOH/NH3/DBU/Bu2SnO /(Bu3Sn)2O/NaOMe均无法达到选择性脱除Ac保护基的目的,迫不得已情况下将所有酯基全部脱除后进行区域选择性糖苷化取得了理想的结果。

14. H2O在线翻译

14. The n-butyl lactate was synthesied by the esterification of lactic acid and n-butyl alcohol in presence of ammonium ferric sulfate dodecahydrate NH4Fe(SO4)212H2O, and the factor influencing on the yield of reaction were discussed.
      摘 要:在十二水合硫酸铁铵催化下,由乳酸和正丁醇发生酯化反应合成了乳酸正丁酯。实验考察了该催化剂催化酯化合成乳酸正丁酯的醇酸比、催化剂用量、反应时间、反应温度诸因素对酯化率的影响。

15. H2O在线翻译

15. The reaction conditions of synthesizingcyclohexyl acetate catalyzed with ammonium ferric sulfate dodecahydrate NH4Fe(SO42.12H2Oare studied. The yield of cyclohexyl acetate can reach 87.2% under mole ratio of aceticacid, cyclohexyl alcohol and ammonium ferric sulfate is 1∶0.44∶0.02, cyclohexane as solvent, refluxing and segregating water for 60min.

16. H2O act as a reactant, take part in the catalytic process, the active materials.

17. In this study, the influence of H2O and CO2 in air upon the equilibrium temperature and pressure, and the ignition delay time for ethylene combustion were investigated by a kinetics simulation method using a plug flow reactor.

18. In order to enrich the research investigations on microporous materials cadmium phosphate and study the methods of their morphology control, the novel ammonia cadmium phosphate(NH4)CdPO4·H2O with special morphology was synthesized by a simple solidstate method at room temperature, and the sample was characterized with several methods.

19. B ides the tellurides mentioned above that are common in gold deposits, Te isalso seen in such rare minerals as hessite, Au2Te and, a variety of unnamed telluritesand tellurates that may be subdivided into Au-bearing and Au free minerals. Theformer includes AtteO3, Au2TeO4, AuTeO4; and the latter schieffinilite, Zn2Te3O8, H2Pb2Fe4[TeO4]9.7-12H2O that were found by the author and are yet to be furtherstudied for acceptance by IMA-CNMMN as potential new minerals.
      除上述碲化物外,碲在本矿床形成罕见的碲银矿、Au2Te和种类繁多的未名碲化物、碲酸盐等含氧盐,含氧盐进一步可分为含 Au、不含Au,包括 AuTeO3、Au2TeO4、AuTeO4 等以及水硫碲铅石、Zn2Te3O8、H2Pb2Fe4[TeO4]9.7-12H2O等,后二种为待申报的新矿物。

20. In a very recent paper, Parreira et al. have studied the blue shift of C-H in formic acid―HF and formate anion―HF/H2O/NH3/CH4 complexes. Their results showed that pronounced electron-density transfer from the electron donor to the electron acceptor led to reorganization of the electron density in electron donor, and resulted in formation of a new electronic structure and the blue shift of C-H bond not directly participating in H-bond formation.

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