

Greenwich 基本解释


Greenwich 网络解释

1. 格林威治大学:本站讯(国际交流培训中心张韵婷)日前,为配合我校与诺丁汉大学(Nottingham)、布鲁赖尔大学(Brunel)、鲁顿大学(Luton)、格林威治大学(Greenwich)等多所大学联合办学项目的顺利开展,保证我校有意赴英深造的学生取得优良的雅思成绩 ,

2. 格林尼治大学:来自格林尼治大学(Greenwich)的廖含文博士,则以自己的学术研究工作经历,把人际关系(network)的重要性叙述得淋漓尽致,使在场同学受益匪浅. 对于给记者印象最深刻的Steve,则用了一部大家都很熟悉的电影>来鼓励同学们不要轻言放弃,

3. 格林威治:更多有关 伦敦 (London) 格林威治(Greenwich) 华丽的建筑、热闹的市集、迷人的旧式酒馆,和充满海洋味道的空气融合在一起,使得格林威治成为游客和伦敦居民最爱去的地方之一.

Greenwich 双语例句

1. It has perhaps the longest recorded history of uninterrupted service of astronomy. It is 200 years older than Greenwich Observatory.

2. Greenwich的解释

2. It is weight-driven and at the time he wrote (1987) resident in the Rotunda at Greenwich.
    它是重量为主导,在当时他写道:( 1987 )居住在中央大厅在格林威治。

3. Greenwich的意思

3. That is one of the oldest observatories of the world, 200 years older than Greenwich in England.

4. Greenwich在线翻译

4. The line of zero degree longitude passes through Greenwich.
    经度零度线穿过格林威治。基准子午线(经度 0 度的线;通过英国的格林威治 greenwich

5. Miss Watson, can you help me get in touch with your friend in Greenwich Village?

6. During this time, a new nightclub opened in the area of New York called Greenwich Village.

7. Or you could live in Greenwich Village.


8. The Republic of Portugal lies to the north of the Equator at latitude 3930 and longitude 800west of Greenwich Meridian.

9. Robin Catchpole of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Cambridge, England, supported Kiribati''s claim.

10. Greenwich的意思

10. New York University is proposing the largest expansion in its history, with a new tower on Bleecker Street and three million square feet of new classrooms, dormitories and offices in the Greenwich Village area.

11. Greenwich是什么意思

11. Time. ctime(1035526125)''Fri Oct 2502:08:452002''SEE ALSO, `time. asctime` 又见`time. asctime` time. gmtime Return a time tuple of''seconds''since epoch, giving Greenwich Mean Time.

12. All they`d had in common as comradely lovers forty years earlier in Greenwich Village─when he was a NYU finishing up his Ph. D. and Iris was an escapee fresh from two nutty anarchist parents in Passaic and modeling for life drawing classes at the Art Students League, armed already wit her thicket of

13. Indeed while fund marketers like Fairfield Greenwich rake off a 1.5% from investors none of that goes back to Madoff.
      事实上,Fairfield Greenwich向投资者收取1.5%的管理费,但都没有落入麦道夫的口袋。

14. Greenwich的翻译

14. Prime meridian line of longitude which passes through Greenwich near London, numbered zero, from which the other lines of longitude are calculated


15. Prime meridian line of longitude which passes through Greenwich near London, numbered zero, from which the other line s of longitude are calculated

16. About 1482 the Observants settled in England and founded their first convent at Greenwich.

17. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twicea day.

18. The brass marker in Saint-Sulpice was a memorial to the world''s first prime meridian, and although Greenwich had stripped Paris of the honor in 1888, the original Rose Line was still visible today.

19. It is zero hour. Greenwich Mean Time And here is the news from the voice of America.

20. There`s a fine young feller aboard of it, Mrs. Dempster wagered, and away and away it went, fast and fading, away and away the aeroplane shot; soaring over Greenwich and all the masts; over the little island of grey churches, St. Paul`s and the rest till, on either side of London, fields spread out and dark brown woods where adventurous thrushes hopping boldly, glancing quickly, snatched the snail and tapped him on a stone, once, twice, thrice.
      这架飞机里一定坐着一个很棒的想要出国的年轻樵夫,Dempster 夫人打着赌,它越飞越远,快速的,消失在了视线之外,轰鸣声也在慢慢减弱,越过了格林威治和所有的旗杆,越过布满灰色教堂的小岛,越过圣保罗和剩下所有的一切,在伦敦的另一边,田野延伸向远方,深褐色的树林里冒险的画眉大胆地跳跃着,匆匆地一瞥,抓住一只蜗牛把它往一块石头上轻轻敲击着,一次、两次、三次。

Greenwich 单语例句

1. The reunited pop group played their final London gig in the former Millennium Dome in Greenwich last night before heading to Manchester today.

2. Army personnel were attending gymnastics sessions yesterday morning at the North Greenwich Arena during down time from security duties.

3. The report suggests Pitt dropped his ex off at the Greenwich Hotel an hour later.

4. It''s been 10 years since Haier America bought the wonderful former head office of Greenwich Bank.

5. Nearby Greenwich Park will offer equestrian events, including the modern pentathlon.

6. Word spread after a TV crew discovered the rat infestation Friday morning and filmed it through a window of the Greenwich Village building.

7. The parade follows a lavender line painted on the street and ends at Christopher and Greenwich streets in Greenwich village.

8. This was not a San Francisco foreign film festival or New York''s Greenwich Village this was the US heartland and as mainstream as it gets.

9. David Beckham meets pupils from his old school during the launch of his own football academy in Greenwich.

10. That''s to say that all time is measured against the Greenwich Meridian, and the basic time for the world is Greenwich Mean Time.

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