
Graves [ɡreivz]  [ˈɡrɑv] 

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Graves 基本解释

格拉夫葡萄酒;格拉芙葡萄酒;坟墓( grave的名词复数 );

Graves 网络解释

1. 甲亢:结果:弥漫性甲亢(Graves)病毒者血清中Ca、Zn、Cu元素水平明显高于对照组(P0.01),而Fe、Mg元素两组比较无统计学意义. 结论:由于甲状腺功能亢进症患者过多释放甲状腺素导致血清中元素的异常变化,此变化既能反应病人机体代谢紊乱程度,

2. 格雷夫斯:雌激素治疗或口服避孕药和急性肝炎.TBG也可因遗传性X连锁异常而增加.甲状腺自身抗体测定 抗甲状腺过氧化酶抗体,较少抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体,几乎见于所有桥本甲状腺炎病人.格雷夫斯(Graves)病通常可检出甲状腺过氧化酶抗体.这两种抗体一般用酶免疫试验测定;

3. 葛拉维:另外在梅多克及葛拉维(Graves)产区虽种植面积较小,但常用来添加於卡本内一苏维浓,使其更圆润并丰富其果香. 天气的变化每年不同,产出来的葡萄酒自然也不同. 天气变化比较规律稳定的地区,不同年份间的差别自然很少.

4. 格拉芙:在波尔多最著名的四个优质红酒产区分别是; 美度(Medoc),格拉芙(Graves),圣达美隆(St. Emilion)和宝物隆(Pomerol). 宝物隆虽然没有美度那样的光辉历史,又是四大产区中最小的区域,但却是波尔多目前最璀璨的明珠. 区内酒庄的数目只有不到二百个,

Graves 双语例句

1. Graves

1. Constitutionally independent, he must grapple with the pending prosecution of scores of former paramilitary bosses and drug lords, while probing hundreds of claims that soldiers have killed civilians and supervising the digging up of some 30, 000 clandestine graves, as well as investigating common crime.

2. Excavation and borrow because of the villagers, these sites and Graves has a lot of problems faced with the danger of destruction.

3. Methods Thirty-one patients diagnosed as Graves ophthalmopathy with malignant exophthalmos and strabismus(15 cases with horizontal strabismus, 30 cases with vertical strabismus) were collected in this study.

4. Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine''s flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels
    65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿,吃猪肉,他们器皿中有可憎之物作的汤。

5. Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine''s flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their veel
    65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿,吃猪肉,他们器皿中有可憎之物作的汤。

6. Who sit among the graves And lodge overnight in the secret places; Who eat swine''s flesh And the broth of abominations in their pots
    65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿;他们吃猪肉,器皿中有可憎之物作的汤

7. Graves的解释

7. Who sit among the graves and spend their nights keeping secret vigil; who eat the flesh of pigs, and whose pots hold broth of unclean meat

8. If you said what you do can''t reflect dishonour on your family and forefathers, chinapigs dig their forefathers''graves and sell the bones.

9. Graves in the festival activities is usually the first 10 days or after 10 days.

10. You will hear evidence of tender infants pressed by their mothers to their bodies in the gas chambers so that they should not inhale the poisonous gas, until the executioners came and threw them alive into the furnaces or the waiting graves.

11. Fingers of time-worn rock thrust up on either side through the prisoning grass, or stretched headlong in broken segments, etched by the moon in bone-white light, nameless and uncaring as the ancient dead whose graves they marked.

12. And he brought the Asherah from the house of Jehovah out of Jerusalem to the brook Kidron and burned it in the brook Kidron and ground it to dust and cast its dust on the graves of the children of the people.
      23:6 又从耶和华殿里将亚舍拉像搬到耶路撒冷外的汲沦溪那里,在汲沦溪焚烧,捣碎成灰,将灰撒在平民的坟上

13. Hillside graves seen beyond city wall of Chao-chow-fu, Guangdong Province, China.

14. Candles are placed on the graves of loved ones, sometimes possibly a wreath, but most families have already done this on All Saint''s Day.

15. Chen Changben period due south axis living graves, graves have tombstones legislation and sandstone incense burner, Block, 8 on both sides of the word with a long first turtlebei ting pack.

16. It is said that only monks talent graves during the Ching Ming day.

17. Graves的近义词

17. Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin activity was measured by radioreceptor assay in sera from patients with Grave''s disease, Hashimoto''s thyroditis, and thyroid cancer.

18. Thyroid stimulating antibodywas detected by radioreceptor assay of TSHin patients with Graves''disease.
      本文报道用促甲状腺激素放射受体分析法测定 Graves 病病人血清甲状腺刺激抗体抑制或置换~(125)I-TSH 与人甲状腺细胞膜受体结合的活力,以 TSH 置换活力表示之。

19. Objective To explore the relationship between Grave''s disease and thyrotropin receptor antibodies.
      目的 探寻促甲状腺激素受体抗体与Graves病的关系,了解TRAb活性与甲状腺功能亢进症的内在联系。

20. How many people have received no formal training, especially the six new teams, there are many graves in the Ghoul is just climb out, he was mobilized over, do not enjoy the benefits of the dead had in fact suffered quite.

Graves 单语例句

1. The graffiti on the graves read " Death to the Arabs " and " Price tag, " a term locally used to describe reprisals by right wing activists.

2. According to the plan, the storage capacity of vaults will double the number of urns put in graves.

3. " The prices of graves in the same cemetery have at least doubled these days, " Wang told China Daily five years after she sealed the deal.

4. At a cemetery just outside the mine''s sprawling grounds, mounds of freshly dug earth stood next to half a dozen new graves.

5. Others think Brownlow buried five to six people at a time in graves at the cemetery after they died of typhoid or cholera.

6. A commemorative park was later constructed to mark the graves of 72 of the heroes in Huanghuagang in Guangzhou''s Dongshan District.

7. To solve the problem of the rapid dwindling of land available for graves, the present Shanghai Public Memorial Park Administrative Regulation may be amended by the administrative department.

8. BEIJING - Some foreign companies are digging their own graves in the world''s top consumer market by eroding the trust of Chinese customers.

9. Officials of the World Cultural Heritage Commission said both groups of graves display traditional Chinese ideas of architecture and adornment.

10. Expecting further price hikes, people across China have started buying graves in advance.

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