
Gallus是什么意思 Gallus在线翻译 Gallus什么意思 Gallus的意思 Gallus的翻译 Gallus的解释 Gallus的发音 Gallus的同义词 Gallus的反义词 Gallus的例句


Gallus 基本解释



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Gallus 网络解释

1. 原雞屬:原鸡为鸡形目(Galliformes)雉科(Phasianidae)原鸡属(Gallus)的鸟类. 原鸡的体形、身体结构及叫声等与家鸡极相似,且与家鸡杂交所产生的后代还具有繁殖力. 原鸡是近距离飞翔的留鸟,属于中国国家二级保护动物.

2. Gallus的反义词

2. 背带:gallup 民意调查 | gallus 背带 | galluses 吊裤带

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 吊绔带:gallsickness 牛胆病 | gallus 吊绔带 | gally 吓唬

4. Gallus在线翻译

4. 盖路斯:Gallus 高卢人的 | Gallus 盖路斯 | Gallus 盖路斯

Gallus 双语例句

1. Gallus是什么意思

1. The offset printing units of the Gallus RCS 430 are equipped with special colour management software and motorised ink ducts.

2. Gallus

2. We have got to know Gallus in various projects and our experience has been very positive.

3. Gallus是什么意思

3. The identity between pmDmrt2 and the Dmrt2 of Danio rerio, Xenopus Laevis, Gallus gallus, Mus musculu, Homo sapiens is 95%, between pmDmrt3 and the Dmrt3 of Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Gallus gallus, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens is 85%, and 97% between pmDmrt4 and the Dmrt4 of Oryzias latipes and Takifugurubripes. Our results further reveal the evolutionary conservation of the DM domain gene family in both invertebrates and vertebrates.
    序列分析表明,pmDmrt2编码的氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、爪蟾、红原鸡、家鼠、人等的Dmrt2的一致性为95 %;pmDmrt3编码的氨基酸序列与斑马鱼、青鳉、红原鸡、家鼠、人的Dmrt3的一致性为85%;pmDmrt4编码的氨基酸序列与青鳉、红鳍多纪鲀的Dmrt4一致性高达97%,进一步证明该基因家族在无脊椎动物和脊椎动物都具有高度的进化保守性。

4. Sequence analysis reveals the identity rate of β-actin cDNA nucleotide sequence between the rice field eel and Tilapiamossambica, Salmo salar, Oryzias latipes, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Danio rerio, Carassius auratus, Physalaemus pustulosus, Bos taurus, Gall us gallus, Mus musculus, Hoino sapiens are 68%~95%; and the similarity of 3-actin amino acid sequence is 97%~100%.

5. But in the city, in the very year in which Augustus, then consul with Gallus Caninius, had sated to repletion the minds and eyes of the Roman people with the magnificent spectacle of a gladiatorial show and a sham naval battle on the occasion of the dedication of the temple of Mars, a calamity broke out in the emperor''s own household which is shameful to narrate and dreadful to recall.

6. Gallus的反义词

6. Chieftain. Gallus growth, chlorophyll and anthocyanin content in callus cultures were measured by using fresh weight and spectrophotometric method. The differential expression of four anthocyanin biosynthetic genes was investigated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The results indicated that the growth of green callus were the fastest, the contents of chlorophyll were the most, while that the growth of red callus were the slowest.

7. Gallus的意思

7. According to the gallus colony stimulating factor(colony-stimulating factor, CSF)cDNA sequences published by GenBank, a pairs of specific primer was designed, the local dorking was injected 100 μg/mL ConA, total RNA was extracted from feeding 24 hours lymphocyte from spleen, then dorking colony stimulating factorcDNA fragment was cloned by RT-PCR technology.
    根据GenBank中报道的红原锦鸡集落刺激因子(Colony-stimulatingfactor,CSF)cDNA序列,利用Primer Premier5.0软件设计一对特异性引物,对本地肉鸡注射100μg/mL ConA试剂,饲养24 h后,取脾脏提取淋巴细胞总RNA,利用RT-PCR技术克隆集落刺激因子的cDNA片段。

8. A variant in the restriction endonuclease cleavage pattern of mitochondrial DNA in the domestic fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus.

9. The 7-color Gallus EM340S UV-flexo press is capable of a wide range of label production formats, including reverse printing, printing on adhesive, edge slit, in-line die cutting, as well as printing onto a wide range of substrates, from paper to unsupported film, with weights from 25 microns through to 400 microns.

10. Gallus

10. These experimental results showed: The partial LXRαgene sequences of goose, contained a P-box, a zinc fingers constitutional unit and a complete Ligand Binding Domain, which was 1005bp long. And it was highly similar to other species while the Similarity between goose and gallus was highest(95.2%), but eight amino acid variation locations exited. The LBD of LXRαhad 660bp and encoded 220 amino acids which contained tenαhelical structure.

11. We are particularly pleased that the Gallus RCS 430 allows us to change offset printing plates in the press.
      我们特别高兴的是,家鸡的RCS 430允许我们在报刊上改变胶印印版。

12. Gallus productivity elements that already have a proven track record on the market were used in developing this press.

13. We use machines equipped with the latest GALLUS 410 foot.
      我们搁置的机械脚海德堡GALLUS 410。

14. Gallus的意思

14. We have come to know Gallus as an extremely reliable and flexible partner, adds Rainer Bufe.

15. Along the way we glimpse gallus domesticus in every environment and station.

16. The Gallus RCS 430 meets these requirements in full.

17. Leading suppliers exhibiting their product innovations include: Avery Dennison, Gallus, Nilpeter, Mark Andy, HP, Omet, UPM Raflatac and MPS.

18. Gallus的翻译

18. Leading suppliers exhibiting their product innovations at the summit included: Avery Dennison, Gallus, Nilpeter, Mark Andy, GiDue, HP, Omet, UPM Raflatac and MPS.

19. In this paper, degenerate PCR was used to amplify the DM domains of Dmrt genes in Gallus gallua. Domesticus.

20. Gallus

20. The patio-temporal expression of OBR gene of Broilers was detected by Northern-blot and RT-PCR in different growth phases. Broiler and Layer diets were fed to AA broilers and Hyline layers in a feeding experiment. Sampling liver tissue in different growth phases (new hatch, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 wk of age), the expression level of chicken OBR gene was detected by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in liver. The expression level of hypothalamus, intestine and adipose tissues of various gallus breeds were detected by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in different growth phases.
      为探讨该基因的表达差异是否与鸡品种间脂肪沉积的差异有关,采用RT-PCR和Northern blot方法检测了鸡OBR基因的时空表达规律;在AA肉鸡和海兰褐蛋鸡中分别进行肉鸡料和蛋鸡料的饲养试验,在不同发育阶段(1日龄、2、4、6、8和10周龄)取肝脏组织样,采用半定量RT-PCR方法检测OBR基因在肝脏中表达情况;采用半定量RT-PCR方法检测OBR基因在不同发育阶段的肉鸡高脂系公鸡和白耳鸡公鸡的下丘脑、小肠组织和脂肪组织中的表达情况。

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