
February [ˈfebruəri]  [ˈfebrueri] 


February 基本解释


February 网络解释

1. February是什么意思

1. 二月:二 月(February)每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节. 这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子. 这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,

2. 二月 二月:黑月铁骑--二月二月(February ) 性别:男 性格:非常自负、脾气火暴、简单直率 第七感:懂得兽语,拥有和动物交流的能力. 可以通过精神力量控制动物,所以在他的能力范围内任何动物都可以成为他的眼线和工具!

3. (名)二月:英语里的十二个月份都是用拉丁语命名的,例如:一月(January)是古罗马守护神的拉丁名,二月(February)是罗马节日的拉丁名,三月(March)是战神,四月(April)在拉丁文里是开花的季节,五月(May)及六月(June)是女神的拉丁名,

4. 月:有效月值为1到12之间. 有效天值为1到28,29,30,或是1,取决于月值. 如,对于2月(February)可能的day值为1 到28或1到29,取决于year值是否为闰年.

5. february:feb; 二月

February 双语例句

1. Online Pre-registration service will be ended at 23rd February, 2008, exhibitors who do not have email
    请妥善管展商证,如有遗失须补发,大会将收取每张10 元的政费,所有款项将拨

2. Founded in February 2002, the existing plant area of 8000 square meters, staff 280 people.

3. February

3. Yesterday our clients came to us with the request that 20 metric tons of mild steel flat bars be shipped during February and the remainder in March as they are in urgent need of them.

4. His first play, Love in Several Masques, was produced in February of 1728 at the Drury Lane Theater, with encouraging results.

5. Pursuant to our rental agreement of February 10th 2006 which has already expired for months and I am giving you two months advance notice to inform you that with effective January 2008 your new rent is HK$8, 000 for another 12 months period, all terms and conditions remain no change.

6. The colour pictures, which depict the superheroes in a number of homoerotic poses, were put on display in the gallery in February.

7. According to Jonny Goulden of JPMorgan, by late February the prices of some CPDOs had fallen so far (to 30% of the original net asset value) that they forced managers to buy insurance against further falls.

8. Such a vaginal gel containing tenofovir results for microbicide research community is an incentive, which in recent years are facing a series of setbacks, including the use of cellulose sulfate of a microbicide ended in early clinical trials (see Safety concerns led to HIV microbicide trial suspended), as well as scientists announced in February based on seaweed extract of a microbicide gel Carraguard does not prevent the spread of AIDS.

9. MRI did not show signs of bleeding for babies born by caesarian delivery, they reported in the February issue of Radiology.


10. Reuters, Canberra, February 11 ---- analysts said yesterday, the Australian forest fires may be arson suspect young man, his motives may be to seek to stimulate, or out of control To be recognized...
    路透堪培拉2月11日电(记者James Grubel)---分析人士周三称,澳大利亚森林火灾的纵火嫌疑人可能是名年轻男子,他的犯罪动机可能是希望寻求刺激、获得认可或出于控制欲。。。

11. On February 27th, there are many fishermen rushed to purchase in Yiwu aquatic products wholesale market. Among these fishermen, some are local, some are from surrounding citier and counties.

12. February的近义词

12. Although there are entries on chromasia that date as far back as July 2003 I always consider its `official` birthday to be February 5th, as it was on this day last year that I i decided to post an image a day, and ii registered chromasia at photoblogs. org.


13. The study being published in the February 2008 issue of Diabetes Care finds that salsalate lowered both fasting blood glucose and...

14. From an overall perspective, in January the average price per square meter for 1996 yuan, 30.8 percent fall the previous month, to February, residential average price reached 2472 yuan, up 23.8 percent over the previous month; in March are price rose to 3151 yuan per square meter than the 27.5 percent rise in February.

15. February的意思

15. From an overall perspective, in January the average price per square meter for 1996 yuan, 30.8 percent fall the previous month, to February, residential average price reached 2472 yuan, up 23.8 percent over the previous month; March average rose to 3151 yuan per square meter than the 27.5 percent rise in February.

16. February的近义词

16. Ivanisevic, who despatched Chang 6-4, 7-6(3), will travel with the Australian Open semi-finalist to the ATP World Tour Masters 1000 events in Miami and Madrid in a continuation of a relationship that began at the PBZ Zagreb Indoors tournament in February, which Cilic won.

17. February的意思

17. He came fourth in the first round in Sweden in February, although he had never competed on snow before.

18. February 2, the Guangzhou Food Industry Chamber of Commerce held a news conference Tingzi Yu, Bula rice rolls, ginger milk curd, Barbecued Pork Bun, wonton noodles, radish cattle offal and other 10 kinds of snacks will be GUANGZHOU inscription.

19. February的意思

19. One of your happiest days of the month will be February 17, when Jupiter will align with Mars in your house of home.

20. GM and Tengzhong had set a deadline of Jan. 31 to complete a definitive agreement. In early February, the companies said they were extending that deadline to Feb. 28, because they were still awaiting approval.

February 词典解释

1. 二月
    February is the second month of the year in the Western calendar.

    e.g. He joined the Army in February 1943...
           他 1943 年 2 月参军。
    e.g. His exhibition opens on 5 February...
           他的展览于 2 月 5 日开幕。

February 单语例句

1. Professor Luger will be travelling to Japan and Korean in February to promote Manchester Business School.

2. Li admitted he''s made so many gaffes since he started conducting tour groups in February that he''s become the butt of jokes among fellow guides.

3. The rate at which input buying declined accelerated to the fastest since February.

4. China''s wind power industry has developed by leaps and bounds in recent years, boosted by the promulgation of the Renewable Energy Law in February 2005.

5. The work was ordered to be halted in February by the Lands Department over a breach of land lease conditions.

6. The lease formalities will be completed by February and run for 40 years.

7. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March.

8. All of them may face charges or disciplinary action for abuses that occurred between late July 2003 and early February 2004.

9. The administration announced in February that 10 municipalities and provinces had started experimental work to carry out the calculating method.

10. The ice rinks opened on January 1 and will officially close on February 4, when the Chinese lunar calendar indicates the coming of spring.

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