
Equus caballus

Equus caballus 双语例句

1. The homology level of GH was higher among Equus caballus, Sus scrofa and dog in present study, and the mutation of G→A affects the growth of Ningqiang pony.

2. For further studying the genetic mechanism of the reproductive isolation phenomenon of interspecific hybrid, paraffin sections of testes from 13 sexually mature male mules (Equus asinus×Equus caballus) and 12 hinnies (Equus caballus×Equus asinus) were prepared, and the samples of Giemsa meiosis and AgNO 3 synaptonemal complexes were observed and compared with spermatocyte meiosis of horse and donkey under light microscope and electronic microscope.

3. Equus caballus

3. For centuries horses have been one of the most economically important domesticated animals, especially relied upon for farmwork and for transportation.
    登录 |马(拉丁名Equus caballus)是一种大型奇数趾有蹄类哺乳动物,是马科的十个活着的物种之一。

4. Equus caballus

4. In this paper, Equus caballus''erythrocyte C_3b receptors have been demonstrated for the first time using RBC C_3b receptor rosette (C_3bRR) and RBC immune complex rosette (ICR) tests.

5. Equus caballus在线翻译

5. The RT-PCR product was inserted into pTG19-T vector and transformed into E. coli successfully. By blastn, the sequence results of Kunming mus musculus were in complete accordance with the conservative sequence of Genbank NR_003278 (791bp-1153bp). By Blastn in NCBI, the sequence with little difference among animals was confirmed to be conservative. After Blastn, fourteen complete CDS coding for different animals were chosen. According to VECTOR NIT 9.0 software, the similarities between Kunming mus musculus and bos taurus, homo sapiens, erinaceus europaeus, cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa, dasypus novemcinctus, rattus norvegicus, rabbit, equus caballus, macaca fascicularis, didelphis virginiana, monodelphis domestica and vombatus ursinus was 67%, 100%, 100%, 36%, 100%, 100%, 67%, 100%, 100%, 92%, 99%, 99% and 99%. In the phylogenetic tress constructed with the forteen 18S rRNA by Treeview, the Kunming mus musculus clustered with cricetulus griseus, sus scrofa and rabbit, which was nearer to cricetulus griseus and was most far away from macaca fascicularis.(3) After sencodary structure analyses of 18S rRNA of mus musculus, an oligonucleotide fragment for RNAi was designed and synthesized, which was transformed into plasmid, and restriction enzyme analyses and sequencing results should the expression plasmid pGPH1/ GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA were constructed for RNAi successfully.
    结果①通过RT-PCR检测显示18S rRNA基因在小鼠卵巢组织和单个GV期、MⅠ期卵母细胞中均有表达,且在未成熟卵母细胞中,MⅠ期的表达明显强于GV期的表达;②RT-PCR产物克隆测序结果显示:昆明小鼠18S rRNA基因保守区序列与基因库序列[NR_003278保守区部分(791bp~1153bp)]完全一致;Blastn比对结果发现:在不同物种中差异较小,选出14种生物18S rRNA全序列经VECTOR NIT 9.0软件分析,提示昆明小鼠18SrRNA与牛、人类、刺猬、中国仓鼠、猪、犰狳、褐鼠、兔子、马、食蟹猴、负鼠、短尾猊、袋熊的18S rRNA的相似率依次为67%,100%,100%,36%,100%,100%,67%,100%,100%,92%,99%,99%,99%;Clustal 1.81和Treeview构建出的分子进化树表明:在上述14种生物中昆明小鼠与中国仓鼠进化关系最近,与兔子、猪聚成一簇,与食蟹猴进化关系最远;③根据18S rRNA二级结构设计并合成RNA干扰寡核苷酸片段,重组质粒经过限制性内切酶及测序表明成功构建了pGPH1/GFP/Neo-mouse-sh 18S rRNA干扰表达质粒。

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