
Einstein [''aɪnˌstaɪn]  [''aɪnˌstaɪn] 

Einstein 基本解释

名词爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)

Einstein 网络解释

1. 爱因斯坦(美籍物理学家):Aristotle 亚里士多德希腊哲学家和科学家) | Einstein 爱因斯坦(美籍物理学家) | reward n. 奖金,奖赏

2. 一块石头:错了:Falsch | 一块石头:Einstein | 战争:krieg

3. 爱因斯坦,德语意为一块石头:77 Rio de Janero 里约热内卢,葡萄牙语意为一月的河流 | 78 Einstein 爱因斯坦,德语意为一块石头 | 收集、编辑、整理:dolceux

Einstein 双语例句

1. Thomson, Einstein and Millikan, of Whom have studied the Photoelectric Effect and have got some conclusions on it.

2. The World As I See It, Albert Einstein

3. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, 教主 roundhouse-kicked him in the face.

4. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the face.
    当这个理论被爱因斯坦发现并公之于众的时候,Chuck Norris一个roundhouse踢在他脸上。

5. 13 Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life-long attempt to acquire it.–Albert Einstein

6. It took the genius of Albert Einstein in 1905 to realize that the right problem on which to work was the effect of motion on measurements of space and time.

7. So in your perspective, how far away for theoretical physics to achieve the dream made by Albert Einstein, it''s called the Grand Unified Field Theory?

8. Actually, it is also not true that every background statisfying the Einstein equation gives rise to conformal field theory.
    共形场论背景更加广泛,但是每一个满足 Einstein 方程的时空背景给出一个共形场论背景。

9. Einstein

9. However, this insight does not generally extend to novel and original perceptions, such as those of Newton and Einstein, in which new kinds new

10. It''s a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, and he was right on the mark.

11. Some physicists are even willing to burn down their old sainted Einstein and revise his theory of gravity, general relativity, to make the cosmic discrepancies go away.

12. Firstly, the line element of an accelerating black hole described by advanced Eddington coordinate and the surface equation of event horizon is given.

13. There was something elusively whimsical about Einstein.

14. Einstein

14. Einstein proposed the theory after 2003, the French physicist JB Peilan sophisticated experiments to confirm Einstein''s theory predicts that more than half a century in order to address the scientific community and the philosophy of the debate whether there is the issue of atomic so that the atomic hypothesis as a basis for the consolidation of the scientific theory.

15. Einstein的近义词

15. A young man once calked Albert Einstein what the secret of succesx was.

16. This leads to a relationship between the mobility and the diffusion constant called the Einstein relation.

17. Einstein

17. The foundations of quantum mechanics were established during the first half of the 20th century by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli and others.

18. In chapter 3, the spatial chaos of the Bose-Einstein condensate perturbed by a weak laser standing wave and a weak laserδpulse is studied.

19. It`s no coincidence some of the most profound and popular scientists are also musicians: Albert Einstein played the violin, and Brian Cox rocks out on synths. music performance itself requires a sense of timing, pitch, and if you`re doing it in front of others, charisma and the uncanny ability to engage the audience.

20. Einstein在线翻译

20. Howard: Yeah, but Albert Einstein didn''t make me wet myself at 40 miles an hour.

Einstein 单语例句

1. It''s trumpeting the " Einstein Year " by splashing his famous quotations in giant red letters on walls of the chancellery and other public buildings.

2. There is no single word to praise Einstein in Feynman''s works, but a feeling of admiration and gratitude resonates throughout the recital.

3. But they have their sights set high on proving the Goldbach Conjecture, toppling Einstein''s Theory of Relativity and even revising Darwinism.

4. Einstein''s creators believe that one day computers will be able to relate to people - listening and responding at a level not yet seen.

5. Much of the diary is taken up with Einstein''s complaints as he struggles with old age.

6. " Renegades " like Einstein may no longer be able to make breakthroughs.

7. The paper on the photoelectric effect was just one of several that Einstein issued in 1905 that fundamentally altered how physicists look at the world.

8. The government has also pledged 500 million euros seed money to a science and innovation research fund in Einstein''s name.

9. The " Einstein in Hong Kong " program includes an exhibition showcasing more than 200 objects and documents about Einstein''s life and revolutionary theories.

10. Schwartz said he felt the most proud of his play " Einstein''s Dreams, " adapted from a novel by physicist and writer Alan Lightman.

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