
CV [ˌsi: ˈvi:]  [ˌsi:''vi:] 


CV 基本解释


变异系数;Cape Verde 佛得角;Command Vehicle 指挥车;

CV 网络解释

1. 成本差异:根据这三个基本数值,可以确定其他几个关键数值.最常用和有用的几个数值是: 成本差异 (CV),即任务的估计成本和实际成本之间的差值.CV = BCWP - ACWP 日程差异 (SV),即按成本衡量的任务的当前进度和计划进度之间的差值.SV = BCWP - BCWS 成本业绩指数 (CPI),

2. 成本偏差:成本偏差.成本偏差(CV)是项目成本绩效的一种指标.它等于 挣值(EV)减去实际成本(AC).项目结束时的成本偏差,就是 完工预算(BAC)与实际总成本之间的差值.由于 EVM 成本偏差 指明了实际绩效与成本支出之间的关系,

3. 单向阀:图2):3.1 空气流程空气经过过滤器(AF)在低压压缩机部件(Ei)中被压缩并排入中间冷却器(CI)中,被冷却的空气在高压压缩机部件(Eh)中进一步压缩并通过消音器(AS)、单向阀(CV)和后冷却器(Ca)

4. 变异系数:vWF)体重指数(BMI) 总胆固醇(TC)高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL唱C) 天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT) 一氧化氮(NO)辅助性T 淋巴细胞(Th) 精致结核菌素试验(PPD)胎牛血清(FBS) 磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)变异系数(CV) 磁共振成像(MR

5. cv:cycling voltammetry; 循环伏安

6. cv:combustion value; 热值

7. CV的反义词

7. cv:coefficients of variation; 变异系数

CV 双语例句

1. danci.edu.pub

1. ME: of course, here you are.

2. CV是什么意思

2. KEY WORDS: Prostatic Hyperplasia; Elongated Needles; Dysuria; Point CV 3 Zhongji

3. Would you please hand your CV to the personnel department?

4. In order to meet the market requirement for yarn quality and reduce yarn neps, thick places and improve yarn eveness, advanced technology and qualified apparatus are used to reduce the neps and short fibers of the semi product and to reduce the CV value.

5. After years of development of music of all major aircraft and shipping companies both at home and abroad such as: HANJIN, HYUNDAI, MAERSK, OOCL, COSCO, CSCL, such as major airlines such as: MU, LH, EK, CV, SK and so set up a good relationship of cooperation, so that it can provide our customers with comprehensive, high quality service and relatively low tariffs.


6. CV I have several, was before flushed the card to buy.

7. CV的反义词

7. And 1125bp for ZM-95. These two strains are classified into pestivirus type I as identified by homological analysis of the genes using the DNASIS software. Strain cc!84 and strain Osloss, between which share 91.6% identity, are divided into to subtype Ib.
    序列分析结果表明这两个毒株均属BVDVⅠ型,184株属Ⅰb亚型,其E2基因与Osloss株E2基因同源性为91.8%,而与NADL株CV24株E2基因的同源性为69.9%;ZM-95株与NADL、属Ⅰa亚型,其E2基因与NADL、Oregon CV24 E2基因同源性为71.2%,与Osloss E2基因的同源性为69.9%。

8. Well, you may not get the chance or the need to recite what you have written on your CV, yet the interrelation of these questions will show itself in the aura of your entire presentation, and enable the one in you to luster.

9. The result of CV shows that the model cell with three-electrode based on the MCMB/SBA-15 CMPE displayed a good cyclical performance.
    用该MCMB/SBA-15 CMPE所组装的三电极模拟电池具有良好的循环性能,EIS研究揭示了其首次阴极极化过程中碳电极上SEI膜的形成、生长和稳定的过程。

10. CV

10. Two kinds of cytoskeleton depolymerizing reagents, cytochalasin D and oryzalin, were separately injected into the primary leaves of wheat cv.
    小麦品种洛夫林 10和叶锈菌小种 36 6组成不亲和组合,小麦叶片发生过敏性坏死反应是小麦抵抗叶锈菌侵染的重要因素。

11. Y39 should carry a novel resistance gene. A dominant major gene conferring resistance to powdery mildew of wheat was identified in a BC〓F〓 population derived from a cross between amphidiploid Am4 and wheat cv. Bainong3217. The gene originated in T.

12. Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.

13. Pot plant experiment was conducted to study the effect of the different fertilizer made from animal tissues on content change and relationships of micro-elements nutrient in rhizosphere soils and leaves of two-year Xiangling walnut (Juglandaceae nigira cv. xingling).

14. danci.911cha.com

14. Was trying to work on CV without Perpetua noticing (in preparation for improving career)…I instantly thought he had been able to tap into the computer and see that I was not getting on with my work.

15. Upon CV and DPV experiments, the reduction and oxidation potential of these porphyrins were shown to be similar to each other. This suggests that different PAHs ethynyl substitutes would have similar effects on electrochemical properties of the porphyrin molecule.

16. objective to observe effect of application of buxue yijing toupi tie at shenque (cv 8) on the speed of sound in th e patient of primary osteoporosis.

17. The relationship between structure and property of needle coke prepared under different conditions was characterized by SEM, CV and EIS analysis.

18. During 20minutes needles retaining, do moxibustiton above the route of LI20-DU23 until erubescence in the forehead and ignite two moxa sticks about 1cm to apply above double St36 until it burn out, As for the patient of deficiency of kidney-yang, do warm moxibustion on CV4 for 30 minutes, once every two day, 15 times a course.
      留针时以药艾条重灸迎香-上星处,以患者前头部温热,局部皮肤潮红为度;足三里待针刺得气后,用长约1cm的艾条点燃后插于针尾处,燃尽为止。肾阳虚者,加艾条温和灸关元30 min。针灸隔日一次,15次一疗程。

19. For consideration, please submit a detailed CV and cover letter indicating your specific interests and abilities with reference to the project needs. These materials can be prepared in Tibetan, Chinese or English and should be sent directly to Tsem Gonthar, Acting Project Manager, via e-mail or by fax

20. In this study, the crude extracts of yam tuber of Dioscorea alata L. cv.
      本研究以省产三种不同品种山药 Dioscorea spp。

CV 单语例句

1. On its front page O Dia daily published a picture of Adriano making the initials''CV''with his fingers.

2. They need time to evaluate your CV and time to match you with a suitable position.

3. She actually graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary, and has said her office made a translation mistake on her CV.

4. There are not too many flaws on Bolt''s CV coming into the 200m.

5. The online posts alleged that Shen was born in 1950 instead of 1955 as stated in his official CV.

6. He takes up his new post boasting a strong CV with leadership experiences.

7. He was pictured wearing his LCD CV in subways and walking down streets.

8. Benitez''s CV from his Valencia and early Liverpool days was very impressive.

9. Interested job seekers can upload their personal CV, browse through posted job offers and apply for interviews online.

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