
Brassica rapa

Brassica rapa 双语例句

1. Brassica rapa L. has a long history of cultivation with vast genetic diversity. it is not only important vegetables, but also important oil crops.

2. Fig. 1 Syntenic distribution of co nserved segments in pr omoters of TCH4 from Arabidopsis and from Brassica rapa
    注:带下划线的字符表示拟南芥 TCH4 启动子和油菜TCH4 启动子间的差异碱基; S:SSEARCH34 程序识别出来的保守序列; D 表

3. Cytoplasmic male sterilityis an ideal system to produce hybrid seedof Chinese cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis).

4. Brassica rapa的近义词

4. We planted Golden Pai-tsai Brassica rapa L.
    温度处理试验中,将黄金白菜Brassica chinensis L。

5. Through the comparison of C4H genes among the nine species, it is found that the amount of similarity between the Brassica napus and the Brassica rapa is the highest with 89 points given.
    FLS基因在苹果属和Customa grandiflorum比较间得分68,F3`5`H基因在蝴蝶草属和Eustoma florum间比、较,所得分数64;UF3GT基因甘薯的两个种即batatas和purpurea间比较,所得分数92。

6. Analysis of the sequence showed that this fragment had no homology with all of the male sterility genes which had been reported, and part of this fragment was highly homologous with part of BAC clone KBrB042N05 and KBrB041L12 sequences in Brassica rapa. This suggested that the newly detected fragment related to cytoplasmic male sterility and properly came from nuclear DNA.

7. Complicated in ecological conditions, China is the centre of evolutionary origin and biodiversity of many crucifer species. Transgene may transfer from Brassica napus to vegetable and wild species of B. rapa and B. juncea.

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8. Through analysis of the BAC sequences of Brassica rapa and the GSS sequences of Brassica oleracea, we designed a serial of corresponding SSR markers. A linkage map was constructed using the selected core polymorphic markers and evaluated from many ways.

9. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is an important leafy vegetable crop with a widely growing area only second to Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) in China.

10. Brassica rapa

10. In this research 63 accessions of Brassica rapa from different regions were used to study their phylogeny and classification by nuclear and chloroplast DNA analysis.

11. Brassica rapa的解释

11. The results indicated that when using combined fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and 30~120 kg/hm2 potash, Brassica rapa yield increased by 11.4%~27.5%, compared with no potash fertilizer treatment.

12. Brassica rapa的意思

12. Brassica rapa is an important specie of the Crucifer Brassica, originated from China, which includes a variety of vegetable and oilseed crops.

13. In the first part of this dissertation, 113 samples of Chinese mustard Brassica rapa L. var. chinensis

14. The preliminary study on dynamic of photosynthesis in two cultivars of turnip (Brassica rapa) on Tianzhu alpine grassland Selection of Resistant Strains of Chinese Cabbage to Turnip Mosaic Virus


15. Production and Identification of F_1 Hybrids between Rape-radish Addition Line and Brassica rapa

16. In the present study, Fluorescent AFLP technology was employed to assess the genetic diversity and the relatonship among phenotypic variation, geographic origin and polymorphism at DNA level amongst a large collection of Brassica rapa accessions derived from different countries.

17. Brassica rapa什么意思

17. Development of Chromosome-specific SSR Markers from Brassica Rapa

18. Both Brassica rapa and Brassica juncea could provide good genes to improve Brassica napus. 2.

19. Brassica rapa is one of the most important vegetables in China.

20. Molecular Tagging of Flowering Time-related Genes as Well as Cloning and Expression Analysis of Vernalization-related Genes in Brassica Rapa

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