
Ann [æn]  [æn] 

Ann 基本解释

安;annonce (Dano-Norwegian=advertisement, announcement) 广告;annuity 年金;


Ann 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 年:但奇怪事情又发生了,其中之一青年(Ann).正在大学上科学课时,突发疯一样,一手把ERIC打到飞向墙上. 众人一见. 立拉住(Ann)并查看在地上晕倒的ERIC.但(Ann)不知从哪来的力量. 力大无穷,把众人一一推出老远. 多人跌跌撞撞.

2. 許鞍華:近日有报道Vivian,将复出拍许鞍华(Ann)的新戏,戏中与吴君如更有大胆同性恋戏份,她承认已接了该戏,因觉得角色好有挑战性,对方又有诚意,加上自己好欣赏Ann,对方是有才华又有亲和力的电影工作者,好难得可以遇到有大发挥的女人戏,

3. ann:using artificial neural network; 人工神经网络

4. ann:the artificial neural networks; 神经网络

5. ann:artificial neutral network; 人工神经元网络

6. Ann

6. ann:bp-artificial neural network; bp神经网络

Ann 双语例句

1. Ann的翻译

1. He didn`t think that Ann would return to Kenya with Barack to live as a Luo Woman.

2. There will be an overlap of a week while John teaches Ann the job.

3. And what of Ann, Golding`s brilliant and beautiful wife?

4. Ann

4. Ann remains my closest link to my Blythe family heritage.

5. Ann的翻译

5. Ann: You are right, I can`t change the past and run from it.

6. Ann Sumner由奥利弗费尔克拉夫, 安女士萨姆纳 Hudson Hills Press, 02/2009, 176 pages, English哈得孙山出版社, 02/2009, 176页, 英语 Show synopsis 展览简介 In the early part of the twentieth century, two extraordinarily forward-thinking Welsh women, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, amassed a collection of work by the most important names in the Realist, Naturalist, Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and Fauvist movements at a time when modern art, especially French art, was largely ignored in Britain.

7. danci.edu.pub

7. According to the self-refresh algorithm of structure and threshhold value of ANN, the self-refreshed ANN can recognise this new fault type of vacuum circuit breaker with high precision.

8. The Results show that the forecast valueof ANN is clearly better than that of regression analysis method.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. Ann Smith phoned to say she can''t come pony trekking after all because she''s in a delicate condition.

10. Therefore, inspired by the theories of complex system, a bottom-up mode model for complex Geo-Spatial system simulation, an extended cellular automata model with the name of GeoCA, is put forward. In the light of GeoCA conceptual model, a delicated urban dynamic model, GeoCAUrban is constructed, and corresponding computer software, GeoCA-Urban System is developed. Furthermore, the dynamic complex behaviors of hypothetical cities are explored through the GeoCA-Urban System. At last, a case study for the simulation and prediction of explosive urban growth of Ann Arbor, a city in Michigan U. S. A., is conducted.
    论文成果:本文以复杂系统理论研究为背景,以地理空间系统为研究对象,以扩展的元胞自动机为建模方法,采用自下而上的研究思路,建立了研究空间复杂系统的GeoCA模型框架;在此基础上,以城市复杂系统为研究对象,构建了城市动态演化模型(GeoCA-Urban),并开发了相应的GeoCA-Urban软件系统,对虚拟城市的内部结构变化和空间扩展过程进行了广泛地试验研究,对城市动态发展的规律和特征进行了探索;最后,在GIS系统的支持下,作者应用GeoCA-Urban模型对美国Ann Arbor城市动态发展的过程进行了模拟和预测。

11. I know little about ANN and can only draw an outline.

12. Ann''s voice is usually compared to her mother''s.

13. ANN: It''s too hard.

14. Ann: Really, it souds intersting, and what do children always do in this day?

15. When Ann Mui was sick in bed, her family, especially her husband was taking care of her every night. His love for her was fully displayed. At the moment when Ann Mui was leaving, he promised her by whispering into her ears, no matter where he would be, he would be with her.

16. Ann是什么意思

16. I''m going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to.

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. Ann G. Carmichael, MD, PhD, maintains that the bubonic bacillus, Yersinia pestis, was most certainly a factor in the outbreak of plague, but, at the same time, the fearsome reputation of the Black Death may have hidden or deemphasized the emergence of other interacting epidemics such as smallpox, influenza, anthrax, typhus, meningococcemia, mycosis, and acute diarrheal diseases.

18. Ann:Oh, don`t worry. You can work it out.


19. Ann: You and Jane are my best friends. I want to introduce you to him.

20. The paper proposed the ANN and fuzzy theory method for the assessment of practical dynamic security regions of power systems, and built the imitator for dynamic security regions and the fuzzy identifier based on fuzzy theory.

Ann 单语例句

1. " It''s a roller coaster, " said Ann Roth of Chicago.

2. " There''s nothing to come here for, " Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas told residents still on the island.

3. Malaysian top seed and world No 1 Nicol Ann Davis won her third Asian Games gold medal by claiming the women''s individual squash crown.

4. Those comments enraged Sheehan supporter Dee Ann Heath, who said she has two sons serving in Iraq and another preparing to leave.

5. " Unrestricted access to information is absolutely crucial during this relief effort, " CPJ Executive Director Ann Cooper said.

6. UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman welcomed the participants and attended the group discussions of several delegations.

7. Ann Hui is not afraid of getting old and enjoys making movies about the " graying generation ".

8. Angelina Jolie has handpicked her friend Ann Curry to interview her and Brad Pitt about their upcoming wedding.

9. The ANN poll also pointed out that more than half believe historical factors are the major obstacles to bilateral ties.

10. Ann has developed a professional relationship with Angelina and Brad, and they trust her implicitly because of her integrity.

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